It looks like a fifth Indiana Jones movie is probably going to happen and Kathleen Kennedy just provided an update on the film's progress.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy was asked about the future of Indiana Jones, and she said that everyone wants to make another one.

"We're all trying to figure out when the right time is to step back in," she said. "Harrison really wants to do it; Steven really wants to do it. We've kicked around a couple of story ideas, but beyond that, I don't know yet. I think there will be one, we'll certainly move forward with Indy."

Steven Spielberg has made some comments about Indiana Jones 5 recently as well, noting that he wants to direct it and that he definitely wouldn't replace Harrison Ford. For awhile, there were rumors of a reboot starring Chris Pratt, but Spielberg recently promised that no other actor would play Indy.

“I don’t think anyone could replace Harrison as Indy, I don’t think that’s ever going to happen,” Spielberg said. “There is only going to be one actor playing Indiana Jones and that’s Harrison Ford.”