On this week’s episode of The Muppets, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Dave Grohl drop by while Gonzo attempts to perform the ultimate stunt.

Piggy and Joseph sing a duet. There’s a problem lowering the background and Gonzo gets caught on the rope, flying through the air while the prop swings precariously on stage. Gonzo lands on hot lighting then crashes through a table to the floor. His friends are worried, but Gonzo loves it.

Piggy is angry at Gonzo for ruining her number and puts him on her ‘list.’

Joseph plays poker with the Muppets. Gonzo discusses his daredevil days. He regrets losing his nerves before his dream stunt. Kermit offers to let him do it for the show. Gonzo is afraid Piggy is too angry. Joseph swindles the Muppets and wins the game.

Kermit approaches Piggy about Gonzo’s stunt. He finds her getting an electrical current beauty treatment. When she goes into shock, Kermit and Dudley get her to sign an agreement.

Scooter asks the band to help him live more on the edge. Janice offers to pierce his ear.

The other Muppets thank Gonzo for doing his stunt for those of them that don’t get to live out their dreams. Kermit says Dave Grohl will sing Learn to Fly during the performance. Piggy agreed to let Gonzo do the stunt as long as he promotes her fat laden “Piggy Water.”

When Janice tries to pierce Scooter’s ear, he goes crazy and fights her and the band off.

Bunsen demonstrates to Gonzo with fruit that unless the conditions are perfect, he will explode on the sidewalk. Gonzo becomes nervous. He tries to get Sam to cancel the stunt for safety reasons, but Sam says it’s exciting and inspirational. Kermit overhears.

Gonzo takes his troubles to Rowlf’s bar. Kermit joins him and tells him to call it off. He says Gonzo probably doesn’t want to be associated with “Piggy Water.” Kermit says Gonzo can tell him anything, but Gonzo says he’s cancelling because he doesn’t want to sell out; not because he’s scared.

Scooter apologizes to the band, but they thought it was fun. Janice tells him his aura changed colors as something awakened in him.

Dave Grohl still sings despite the stunt being cancelled. Gonzo asks Kermit if he thinks he could have done the stunt. Kermit says if anyone could, it would be the Great Gonzo. Gonzo goes to the roof and shoots himself out of the cannon. He makes the jump, landing in a pool on the opposite roof. Both he and Kermit are ecstatic.

Dave Grohl has a drum battle with Animal. It’s a tie.