The trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens shows off Darth Vader's helmet and a new image finally confirms who is in possession of this relic.

A new piece on The Force Awakens in Rolling Stone reveals an image of Kylo Ren sitting and looking at the destroyed Vader helmet. This fits in with the thinking that Ren is essentially an obsessed Vader fan, as he says in the trailer, "I will finish what you started."

Other than that, we don't know a whole lot about who Kylo Ren is or what his plans are, although we do know that he works under Supreme Leader Snoke, a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force. Ren is also not a Sith and it appears that he made that crossguard lightsaber himself.

Kylo Ren will be played by Adam Driver, known for his role as Adam on Girls. He recently told Howard Stern that he never watches anything he does, but he had to make an exception for Star Wars.

"Because we did so much work on kind of seemed like I should just try getting over it," he said. "And it's Star Wars. I can't literally believe that I was in it."

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on December 18.