Actor Michael Anthony Vitar, who is best known for his Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez role in the 1993 film The Sandlot, has been charged with assault for an alleged beating that took place on Halloween.

ET Online reported that the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office said in a release that the former child star, now a firefighter, fellow firefighter Eric Carpenter and another man are facing charges for allegedly beating a man giving out candy to children.

The three men “became upset when a 22-year-old man visiting his grandmother in the area was handing out candy to kids as he walked down the street,” Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Chung said in a statement.

According to the report, Vitar and the others chased the victim down the street and “then allegedly forced the victim to the ground before Carpenter choked him, according to the prosecutor.”

The men have each been charged with one count of assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury. They are due back in court on Jan. 21.

THR noted that an LA Fire Department spokesman said that two firefighters have been placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation.

Vitar’s other acting credits include the The Mighty Ducks sequels, D2 and D3.