Last night’s winter midseason finale of The Flash saw the return of Mark Mardon, who proceeded to break both Captain Cold and the Trickster out of jail. Because there are now three enemies out of jail, Barry has to figure out how to stop them. In the middle of this, he must also deal with Patty, who becomes focused on stopping Mardon because of what he did to her father.

Meanwhile, Iris comes clean to her father and Barry about the secret she’s been holding inside about her biological brother. This sends Joe reeling as he deals with what happened in the past and having a son he didn’t know about.

Finally, as Jay and Caitlyn grow closer, something weird is going on with Harrison. We see Zoom holding something over him trying to get him to assist the speedster. Using Harrison’s daughter, Zoom’s motives come forward and we’re left to wonder what will happen. Until the show comes back on Jan. 19 next year, check out the top moments from “Running to Stand Still.”

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