Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens a week from today, although by the morning of Dec. 18, many of us will have already seen it because of Thursday night screenings. It is amazing to think that before October 2012, we all legitimately thought that there would never be another new Star Wars movie in theaters.
Since Disney bought Lucasfilm, I can’t even think of how many Star Wars stories I’ve written for Every day - every hour, even - requires a new story to keep up with the constant stream of news. All of this might make us forget that there is actually a movie at the center of this. There is a 38-year-old movie series at the heart of it and those movies are why we care about this so much.
I first saw the Original Trilogy on a small television, with copies of the original theatrical cuts that were already worn out. I’m pretty sure the copy of Return of the Jedi I watched was so worn out that the Rancor scene had just become completely black. But these movies still stuck with me and made me a Star Wars fan for life.
Within these six movies - and yes, the prequels must be included - there are moments that make Star Wars unforgettable. Whether it’s the lightsaber duels, the space battles or witty dialogue from the Original Trilogy, there are all particular moments that stand out. These are scenes that we can’t imagine living without. I can’t even remember when I didn’t know that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker’s father or that Leia was Luke’s sister.
With that in mind, let’s look at 10 moments that make Star Wars... Star Wars.