Dante and Jordan examined the incriminating photos of Valerie with Johnny, Lulu rescued Valerie from the burning cabin, Kristina confessed her problem at college to Sam, Valerie realized that Lulu set her up, Johnny was caught, Olivia offended Mayor Lomax, Robert helped Anna in her search for Carlos, Olivia was arrested, Nina was inspired for the next issue of Crimson, Julian and Alexis rushed to help Olivia, Sabrina and Carlos hid out, Curtis threatened Hayden, Sonny didn’t care for his new reality show starring doctor, Carly asked Ava for a favor, Jason remembered a feeling, Nikolas proposed to Hayden, Dante shocked Lulu and Jake’s anger seethed inside.

MONDAY - Alexis and Sonny had dinner with Kristina at The Metro Court. They asked her about her upcoming classes and Sonny noted that his check for tuition was returned. Kristina covered by saying that the financial office's computer was on the fritz, so if he gave her the check so she could deliver it herself.

Elsewhere, Sam knocked on the door to Jason’s hotel room only to have Elizabeth answer in a robe. She said that it was late and that they were about to turn in. Suddenly, Jason showed up with Jake, having just come from the restaurant and he invited Sam in. He asked if her visit had to do with the couple he just met downstairs. Sam then explained that the doctor and his friend were going to clear him and he thanked her and said that if she needed him that he was in a room down the hall. Then, Sam left and Jason said that they owed Sam a lot, which prompted Jake to blurt out that she wasn’t as good as he thought she was. They then questioned him about the comment and he claimed that Sam had broken the photo of their family, but when pressed further, he admitted that he didn’t see her do it. Jason then told Jake that it wasn't right to tell lies and make up stories. Jake then replied that Sam may not have broken the photo, but that she wanted to break up their family. Elizabeth then told Jake that they would talk about this in the morning. Jake then said that he couldn’t sleep since his stomach hurt, so Jason said that he would go and get him some ginger ale.

Meanwhile, Sam went down to the bar and ordered a drink. Kristina saw Sam and decided to ditch her parents and say hello to her. The two talked and Kristina admitted to Sam that she had been suspended from school. Sam then asked her what was going on and she replied that she had fallen too far behind after her last breakup and went to see her professor about doing whatever it took to get a passing grade. Sam begged Kristina to tell her that she didn’t sleep with her professor. Kristina replied that she offered to, but he shot her down and reported her. She then said that was why she was suspended and that she couldn’t tell her parents this. Sam thought she had to, but Kristina said that she could go back next semester, so she just needed to convince them that she was still in school for the time being. Sam agreed to keep quiet, but told Kristina to update her weekly on things. Meanwhile, Alexis and Sonny continued their meal and Sonny felt that Kristina was embarrassed by his lack of education and his business. Alexis refused to believe that and suggested that something else was going on. Sonny replied that he would find a way to talk to her about what was eating her. He then turned the conversation to Alexis marrying Julian and told her that he wouldn’t make her happy. Alexis decided then to leave before they said things they couldn’t take back. Kristina followed her mom out and then received a text from her professor telling her to call him ASAP. Jason then came to the bar to get a ginger ale and ran into Sam. He thanked her again for what she did and explained what was going on with Elizabeth and Jake.

Back in their hotel room, Jake asked his mom if she would ever be with dad again. Elizabeth replied that anything could happen.

At the PCPD, Dante brought Jordan up to speed with everything he knew about Lulu knowing Johnny was in town around Christmas and Valerie’s unknown association with him thanks to some photos that had shown up. Dante estimated that most of the photos were from before Christmas and that one was from a few hours old given what Valerie was wearing in it. Jordan thought it looked like Valerie was on the take and had warned Johnny to get out of town. Then, Bobbie arrived since Dante had called her for help and she refused to believe that Valerie had thrown in with Johnny. Bobbie then told them that Valerie was moving on and was focused on her career. She also said that Valerie was just a cadet, so Johnny couldn’t get anything useful out of her anyway. Dante then said that he believed that Valerie was being set up. Jordan asked why would Johnny set her up and who would want to make Valerie look bad? Dante then went off in private and called Lulu, leaving her a message wondering what she had done.

Valerie knocked over a candle at the cabin as she struggled to break free, which caused a fire. Outside, Lulu arrived to meet Johnny, but he didn’t show, so she decided to leave. Before she left, she noticed the cabin was on fire and worried that Johnny could be inside. Lulu then rushed in, using her jacket to shield herself and saw Valerie tied up and unconscious. She managed to free Valerie and get her out of the cabin. Once they got back to her car, Lulu realized that she left her jacket in the cabin, which her car keys and phone were in. The two were then forced to take shelter in the car and huddle together for warmth.

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