Game of Thrones author George RR Martin is thanking supportive fans for their understanding after his upcoming book was delayed again.

Martin put up a new blog post, in which he discussed the outpouring of support he has received since his unfortunate announcement that The Winds of Winter is still not finished.

“I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the kind words and good wishes,” he said.

Martin announced over the weekend that The Winds of Winter would officially not be released before season six of Game of Thrones, meaning the TV show will now begin spoiling plot twists loyal readers have been anticipating for years. The tone of Martin’s post was extremely defeated as he explained that he truly thought he could get the book out in time, but he has continued to miss deadlines.

“And as spring turned to summer, I was having more bad days than good ones,” he wrote. “Around about August, I had to face facts: I was not going to be done by Halloween. I cannot tell you how deeply that realization depressed me.”

That post currently has over 1,000 comments, the vast majority encouraging Martin and telling him to take his time. As one fan wrote, “Love your work, George! Get it done when it’s done. I’ll be there.”

Game of Thrones season six will begin on April 24.