Duck Dynasty stars Jep and Jessica Robertson have introduced the newest addition to their family, an adopted son named Jules Augustus, on the premiere of their show Jep and Jessica: Growing the Dynasty on Wednesday.

On Thursday, Jep took to Twitter to thank fans for the well wishes. “Thanks for the love!” he wrote. “This has been a crazy, awesome ride but so worth it! Me and Gus signing out! #JepAndJessica.”

Jep and Jessica have four other children; Lily, Merritt, Priscilla and River. On the premiere of their spin-off show, the proud mom called it “such a surreal moment, to finally have him in our arms.”

Describing the long adoption process, she added, “We waited so long and wanted to happen for so many years, so to actually have him and hold him and know that he's ours and we're his forever family, we're excited.”