The sheriff of Manitowoc County is not pleased with what he describes as the skewed nature of Netflix's new documentary Making a Murderer.

In an interview with The Wrap, Manitowoc County Sheriff Robert Hermann said that he recently watched the series and was not happy with the way information was presented.

"In several areas throughout the film, you can see where they cut the tape and manipulated things," he said. "One place real evident is one of the interviews with Steven Avery in episode 5 — if you watch one video, it jumps from 3:20 to 3:21, then to 3:17, then to 3:22 and then to 3:18.”

Hermann had previously slammed Making a Murderer for taking things out of context and placing events in a different order, although he made this statement before watching the documentary. Having now seen it, he says he stands by that assessment.

Filmmakers Moira Demos and Laura Ricciardi told The Daily Beast that if the documentary is skewed to one side, it's because the prosecution, Teresa Halbach's family and members of law enforcement did not wish to speak to them. They also added that just because they presented the perspective of Avery's lawyers Dean Strang and Jerry Buting does not mean they agree with it.