Nothing screams Shameless like waking up in the Gallagher home to the delightful scents of vomit and empanadas. The vomit is from a very morning sick Fiona, and the empanadas from the Mexican family Frank is now renting the front yard to for money.
Considering she's thrown up from pregnancy hormones, Fiona finds that this is the best time to tell Debbie she's pregnant and that they can go to the clinic'll be like a Disneyland but for abortions. Debbie insists the two have their "sister cousins" and bond over the experience while Fiona continues to insist on abortion.
Debbie of course can't keep Fiona's pregnancy news to herself and tells Frank, who is overjoyed at the fact that he will be the grandfather to not one but now two babies if Fiona keeps hers. The two decide to plan an "interbortion" for Fiona and include the whole family; Kev, and V.
Frank began preparing for his role as a first time grandfather by teaching Debbie how to cheat the system and apply for welfare.
Fiona makes plans to go to Gus' (remember her husband) show to officially end things in person and tell him he could possibly be the father of her unborn, soon-to-be aborted baby. She ends up keeping the news to herself when Gus plays a special song he wrote just for her called "The F-Word," a ballad about how Fiona f--ks everyone and he is f--king done.
A very lovestruck Carl won't give up on winning over Dominique, who he thinks won't love him because he's white. In his first attempt to win her over he sells his principal a gun in exchange for him saying what an upstanding African American student Carl is in front of her, which doesn't help him out.
To prove there is in fact black in Carl's blood, he drags little baby Liam over to Dominique's house, and her father refuses to let him in. Carl refuses to give up and says, "just cause his skin darker then mine ain't a reason to call a ni--a white," which gets him about 10 seconds to run from Dominique's father, who pulls out a bat.
The next day at school Dominique tells Carl the problem isn't that he's white but that he goes out of his way to sound like an uneducated gang banger.
Kev goes to visit Yannis at the hospital, where Yannis tells Kev he knows the lesbians were the ones to cut the breaks on his bike.
While cleaning Yannis' yard for his arrival back home, the lesbians ask Kev if he needs any help, to which Kev kindly replies they've already done enough with getting his dogs taken away and should just stay away from his yard. The lesbians instead throw a "Welcome home naybor" party and Yannis is displeased.
The guilt of not telling Yannis it was really him that accidentally cut his brakes slowly starts to eat away at Kev and Vee won't let him rat himself out. To keep him quiet Vee tells Kev that he actually saved the neighborhood for paralyzing Yannis, and reassures him it's okay to let go of the guilt and hold on to all the good happening in his life (his baby girls).
Ian gets a job as the janitor at Lip's college and within the first night begins to love life on the college campus. The medical weed, shi--y beer, and freedom Fiona are all things he can see himself getting used to, in hopes of Lip letting him to move into his dorm. Unfortunately that dream is quickly killed when Lip says he doesn't want Ian staying with him for more then just this night because he earned his space...leading the two into an epic hallway fist fight, rolling in red solo cups, vomit, and empty beer cans.
Lip thinks that just like his mother, Ian is doomed to become a piece of sh-t just like she was. After leaving the college to go home, Ian finds himself wandering aimlessly when he sees a car crash. Both cars burst into flames, the driver who causes the accident runs off, and Ian saves the unconscious women in the car that was hit.
At the interbortion Frank tells Fiona that going through with the abortion goes against the soul and legacy of the Gallagher family and it's a crime against God. Fiona replies with Gallagher's abandon and drink...not abort, saying if you can freeze off an unwanted wart, you can abort an unwanted baby.
In a last effort Debbie goes crying to Fiona to tell her that regardless if she accepts it or not, she just wants her older sister to support the fact she is keeping her baby. Nobody in her family or baby daddy Derek will support her and she just wants one person to because her baby wasn't an accident, she wanted to have a child.
Fiona tells Debbie she won't mentally or physically support the child if she chooses to have it. In fact she will not accept it in her house and threatens to kick Debbie out so she will have nobody, just her and her baby.
As for the baby of her own, she tells Sean she doesn't know if he is the father and she's aborting it. Just like she didn't have a say in him shooting up he doesn't get to have a say in what she chooses to do with this child.
The two go for a walk to talk things out and return to find an eviction sign on the front door of the Gallagher residence.