Today Kevin Costner celebrates his 61st birthday. He is known for his extensive career in film which started back in the early '80s.

Costner broke onto the scene starring in smaller films like Chasing Dreams and Table for Five. It wasn't until 1988 and 89 when Costner became a household name in movies like Bull Durham and the iconic Field of Dreams.

In 1990, Costner directed and acted in Dances With Wolves. The movie earned a total of seven Oscars including Best Director and Actor for Costner. His awards didn't stop with those. He has also won three Golden Globe Awards, one Emmy Award and has been nominated for three BAFTA Awards.

Not everything in Costner's career has been award worthy, but every time he is on screen he delivers a memorable and meaningful performance. In honor of Costner's birthday, is counting down the top ten Kevin Costner movies from Dances With Wolves to Tin Cup, this countdown has it all. What is your favorite Kevin Costner movie? Join in the conversation below and let's talk all things Costner.

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