It's a usual day for the Workaholics crew, smoking out of Ander's car talking about a movie they're stoked to go see about "blood, sugar, sex, and magic." But instead of going to the movies they think it's a better idea to go to a courthouse to watch a murder trial; bong in hand, joint behind the ear, and reeking of weed. Not so shockingly the crew is arrested.
Gary Kraus guest stars as the cop and Brett Rice as the strict Judge Brownton (or in Adam's case "Judge Browntown") who sentences the guys to attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings. He continues to accuse Adam of having more DUIs than his grandson can count up to, calls Blake a "self centered, dope-smoking kid with your cool T-shirt and pervert mustache," and gives some praise to Ders for being the most clean cut of the crew.
Judge Brownton advices Ders to use the meetings to infiltrate Rancho Cucamonga's drug world for the police. Needing to change his look he begins rocking shades and a cholo shirt.
Andy Dick guest starred as Blake's former acting camp teacher, who is now an unemployed burnout because he was fired for hitting a co-star during a children's production. He helps out the guys by going undercover as a meth dealer to ruin Adam's plan to get featured in a Vice article as a meth head and use this to write an original play Attention Whore: The Adam DeMamp which no surprise Adam is completely flattered.
Adam demands oral sex in an exchange for what only he would think is meth but is actually clearly rock candy to any human with eyes at the bar where at the same time Ders is being menaced by the well known Rancho drug lord Zippo, who thinks Ders is actually a cop.
The boys manage to blow a major drug sting and help assist in a drug war sets them back to where they started.
"We were just smoking weed. You could have wrote us a fine instead of this whole stupid shenanigans," was Blake's advice to the judge.
Let it be know, Adam, Blake and Ders would make horrible undercover cops.