When you reach 106 years old, you should get to do whatever you want, even if that means meeting the President. For Virginia McLaurin, that’s exactly what she wanted to do and accomplished her goal.
McLaurin, who was born in South Carolina in 1909, wanted to get to the White House during Black History month and was incredibly excited to see President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. She now lives in Washington, D.C.
McLaurin’s energy left the Obamas surprised. The couldn’t believe that she is 106. “I want to be like you when I grow up,” the First Lady said.
“I thought I would never live to get in the White House,” McLaurin told the Obamas. The moment was made even sweeter because she also never thought that she would meet the first African American president.
Video of the scene was first posted on the White House’s Facebook page on Feb. 21.
Dance Party with 106-year-old Virginia McLaurinWhat's the secret to still dancing at 106? Watch 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin fulfill her dream of visiting the White House and meeting President Obama. #BlackHistoryMonth
Posted by The White House on Sunday, February 21, 2016
It turns out that the meeting was the result of over a year of social media projects, notes the Washington Post. McLaurin posted a petition on WhiteHouse.gov in December 2014.
“I remember the times before President Hoover.I remember when we didn't have any electricity. I had a kerosene lamp. I remember the first car model Ford.My husband was in the Army. I lost my husband in 1941. I've been in DC ever since. I was living here when Martin Luther King was killed,” McLaurin wrote. “I know you are a busy man, but I wish I could meet you. I would love to meet you. I could come to your house to make things easier. I pray to the Lord that I would be able to meet you one day.”
Well, she really did meet him.