10 Cloverfield Lane hits theaters in about two weeks and we still don't know for sure if it's a sequel or some sort of spinoff. But now producer J.J. Abrams says that if the film does well that there's more on the way.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Abrams had been asked directly whether the film is really Cloverfield 2, or if Cloverfield will be kind of like Bad Robot's version of The Twilight Zone where every installment is a completely separate story. As usual, Abrams gave a rather cryptic answer and said he did not want to categorize the two films at all.

“I think that would be presumptuous, because we’re talking about this movie and comparing it to Cloverfield, but I would be lying if I didn’t say there was something else that, if we’re lucky enough to do it, could be really cool that connects some stories," Abrams said.

He later went on to say that there's a "larger conceit" at play between the two Cloverfield movies and that there's something else they'd like to do in this universe that he hopes they get a shot at.

So far, it doesn't seem like 10 Cloverfield Lane will be as much of a monster mash as the first one, if it even has a monster in it at all. The enigmatic marketing does not give any indication that the first film's creature will appear and it seems like the movie largely takes place inside an underground bunker. In fact, the script had originally been  called The Cellar, which was altered to be a Cloverfield sequel, as we previously reported.

10 Cloverfield Lane is directed by Dan Trachtenberg and stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Gallagher Jr. and John Goodman. The film opens on March 11.