This week’s episode of NCIS opened with Communications Watch Supervisor Bob Mugsford watching as the leader of a group of divers is having an episode and attacking his other three co-workers. Diego de la Rosa is having an odd reaction when they must use their breathing masks to get air. But when they pull his mask away, he is dead.
At NCIS headquarters, Abby is sneaking to all the desks and leaving Valentine’s to her co-workers, as Tony and Tim quietly watch. They don’t announce their presence since this is something Abby likes to do every year. Tim isn’t that into the holiday, but still wants to get Delilah something. Meanwhile, Ellie spots Abby just as she leaves a card and roses at her desk. Ellie thanks her as the boys come back.
Ellie talks about missing her annual dinner at a restaurant called Gennari’s and gives Tim an idea to write Delilah a poem. Gibbs comes in and has McGee come with him to the ship where the body is. They will send for Tony and Ellie once they have more information.
They find out from a man named Hammond that the four divers were working on a project regarding oil and worked in a decompression chamber to mimic their work below sea level. They can’t leave the chamber until it is fully decompressed in four days, otherwise they will die. Gibbs and Ducky watch the security video of the attack, but are not fully sure how he died.
Tim talks to Sam, Meredith and Jalen, who all worked with Diego and are stuck inside with the body. They are not happy being stuck in there and want to move the body. The agent warns them they will be charged with obstruction.
Meanwhile, Ellie goes to Diego’s house to question his wife. She is distraught and can barely talk to Ellie when she discovers where his body is.
Back on the ship, one of the other men on the ship tells Gibbs about the breathing mask that Diego used. It appears that nothing could have been put into his mask to kill him since the same air unit came to all of the divers and they are fine. After he leaves, Tim comes to give Gibbs an update. He finds out that Ducky is performing a special brand of autopsy.
Much to the disgust and chagrin of the divers, Ducky has them do a remote autopsy on Diego. They are to take samples, collect blood and urine so they find a cause of death somehow. Tim watches with Gibbs and laments the killer may be in the chamber and getting the evidence needed to convict them.
Tony tries to eat a valentine tofu from Abby before video conferencing Gibbs. He tells Gibbs about Sam Harper, Meredith Ragen and Jalen Washington, who all had different secrets from their past. Jalen also has been communicating with someone via a burn phone. Tony then reveals to Gibbs that the ship, Brandywine, is six miles away from the oil pipeline, so the mission is for something unrelated.
Gibbs goes to talk to the divers, but is stopped by Jerry Grossman, an attorney for the research group. He tells Gibbs there is a nondisclosure agreement regarding the project and he is not to question the divers, even if someone is dead.
Ellie and Tony talk to the research group head, Mattias Groller, who refuses to stop the research project just because someone is dead.
Tim is writing notes on his laptop when someone brings him breakfast. But because of the uncertainty of the case, he refuses to eat in case it was a poisoning. Sam offers him a nutter butter when he sees the agent is clearly hungry, but Tim declines. Sam then tells Tim that he believes Jalen may have committed the murder and that he was sleeping with Diego’s wife.
Tim calls Tony to tell him what he discovered. He also will be returning to the office once Ellie relieves him and is looking forward to seeing his friend. Tony also figures out Tim hasn’t eaten and tells him to shower before coming in.
Gibbs goes to the de la Rosa home and talks to the wife about the affair. She admits that she did have an affair, but that Diego did not know about it. When questioned, she tells Gibbs she did not plot to have her husband killed.
After the visit, he goes to see Abby, who has discovered a mixture of cocaine, hydrochloride, and red food dye in Diego’s system. She also found that he had died of asphyxiation. His breathing apparatus was not working properly and had been tampered with. Either Sam, Meredith or Jalen committed the murder.
Tony is in the bullpen watching security footage as Tim comes in with food. He tells Tim he can’t tell who may have tampered with the hose. Gibbs comes in and is annoyed when they haven’t been able to see anything on the video. Tim remarks that he appears “hangry,” which Tony had just said about him.
Ellie reads an e-mail warning about Gibbs’ temper when she sees the divers arguing with one another. They seem to be turning on one another. Meanwhile, Gibbs tries to talk to Hammond, but the lawyer is ready to stop him. However, the need to help his friend overrides him and without discussing the project, he tells Gibbs that Sam may have done it. He had been on a mission previously with a diver whose air hose had been disconnected.
On MTAC, Tony confirms the news about Sam and also tells Gibbs Meredith had been killed a translator who she thought was an insurgent. Earlier, they had found out she was dishonorably discharged from the army. Tim comes in with information he got after going into the research team’s servers. They were working on Pre-Positioned Assets, which would have gone to the Navy and focused on containers that held weapons under the sea floor.
Gibbs meets with the Admiral and finds out that the Navy decided not to use the containers because there was a leakage. After this discovery, he calls Tim to meet with him and Abby. In the lab, Tim and Abby show him a container with red liquid cocaine. They figured out that someone would have to know there was a drug inside the container and it is likely de la Rosa became a witness and someone tried to kill him with the cocaine. But when it failed, he was asphyxiated.
Ellie speaks with Mugsford, who tells her on the morning of the murder, there was a breach alert. Someone had taken something from the container. She is interrupted when Sam punches Jalen. Rushing to the chamber, she sees that they are accusing Jalen of being the murderer. Ellie holds her gun on them to prevent them from hurting him.
Gibbs comes to question them and sees that Jalen had a knife in his bag. He simply looks at them before saying he will see them when the chamber opens. Two days later, Tony and Ellie arrive to arrest Meredith.
In interrogation, Gibbs eats a dessert with cherry in it as he sits with Meredith and Jerry Grossman. He offers dessert to Meredith, but she refuses. Gibbs talks about how some people have a rare allergy to processed red and he notices a rash on her lip. She had recently come into contact with something red. They found vials of the liquid cocaine and he mentions drug money. She doesn’t know anything, but Gibbs reveals they know she has a partner who is being arrested.
He looks at Jerry and reveals they know he had represented the Suarez cartel, who dabbled in liquid cocaine and he recently had a meeting in Cartagena. With surveillance images, Jerry knows he is caught. Tony comes in to arrest him.
Later that evening, Tony finds McGee’s poem on the copier and reads it, intending to tease him. But when he sees how romantic it is, he changes his mind. He gives Ellie a gift of a movie, like she had wanted, and dinner from her favorite restaurant. Ellie also gives him a gift, a ticket to a Warrior’s game, which he had wanted as well.