On this week’s episode of Pretty Little Liars, the girls continue to receive messages from their new cyber-stalker, Hanna tells Ashley she erased the Radley’s security footage, and Aria stumbles upon a surprising discovery while trying to clear Ezra’s name.
The morning after their steamy hookup, Spencer wakes up in bed with a still-sleeping Caleb. She grabs his shirt before going to make coffee and checking her phone. When Spencer reads her texts, she sees several frantic messages from her friends along with the message Aria received from their new cyber-stalker.
Later, Spencer catches up with her friends at the Radley and lies about why she’s tardy. The girls wonder who sent the text message to them, rattling off names like Ali and Sara Harvey. Simultaneously, Hanna expresses concerns about Lorenzo catching onto her deceits and missing New York. Desperate to find out the identity of the girls’ new tormentor, Hanna sends a text back: “Do I know you?” The sender responds: “YES.”
Cue opening theme.
Emily takes a phone call from Ali. Ali is with Dr. Rollins at his family’s farm in eastern Pennsylvania. When Emily hangs up, the girls continue to question whether or not Ali could’ve sent the text. The sender thinks the girls know who killed Charlotte and wants them to rat that person out. After considering Ali a second time, the girls return to Ezra, despite Aria’s insistence that her ex-boyfriend is innocent. The girls’ dispute is interrupted by a newscast where Lorenzo confirms that the police are narrowing down their suspect list and have determined what the murder weapon is. Lorenzo assures the public that justice will be served.
Meanwhile, Aria spots her dad, Byron enter the hotel elevator and is surprised to see him there. A beat later, the girls receive another text—this time with a photo of the supposed murder weapon: a nine iron.
Following the PLLs’ meet up, Aria goes to The Brew to try and convince Sabrina to let her into Ezra’s apartment while he’s out of town. Aria explains that she’s been helping Ezra with his book and needs to proofread his work, so she can send it to her boss, but Sabrina won’t budge. She can’t risk her job.
At the Hastings’ house, Spencer works on her mother’s campaign and soon enough, Caleb catches up with her. As Spencer reads over a file on her mother’s opponent and her opponent’s daughter, she and Caleb chat about the previous night’s events. In addition, Caleb mentions going to see Toby.
Hanna video chats with Jordan. He’s at the airport and will be flying in early. Hanna tells him Lucas agreed to loan them his Jaguar, so Hanna is all set to pick her fiancé up in Brookhaven. When Hanna ends the video chat, Emily points out that Jordan seems to adore her and asks why they haven’t set a wedding date yet. Hanna says she’s finally ready and is letting Caleb move forward with Spencer, because Jordan keeps her grounded in a way that Caleb doesn’t. Hanna’s told Jordan everything about Charlotte and he’s understood, so Hanna feels bad about erasing the tape, then concealing it from him. Hanna plans to tell Jordan and if he forgives her, she’ll know it’s time to seal the deal for good. Soon enough, Emily gets a text from Aria. She needs their help.
Caleb visits Toby and they catch up. Enter Yvonne, who exchanges brief pleasantries before heading off to help her mother prepare for their upcoming town hall meeting against the Hastings’ camp. When Yvonne leaves, Toby asks Caleb if he’s dating anyone new, and Caleb tells him about Spencer. Toby seems shocked.
Aria freaks out that she can’t get in contact with Ezra and asks Emily if she’ll help distract Sabrina while she steals the keys to his apartment. Initially reluctant, Emily caves when Aria admits she wants to know if Ezra really killed Charlotte or not.
At The Brew, Spencer reads up on the Phillips’ file and sees Toby’s photo included with information on Yvonne. A note with the rest of the file shows that Toby plans to propose to her. As Spencer digests this news, a black car snaps photos of her from afar. The car disappears before Spencer can identify the driver.
Hanna arrives home just as Ashley is about to head to the Radley to meet with Spencer prior to the town hall meeting. Hanna confesses that she erased the tape, assuring her mother she has no involvement in Charlotte’s murder, despite how the situation looks.
Emily chats up Sabrina while Aria steals Ezra’s keys from behind the counter.
Ashley lectures Hanna on her choice to erase the tape, reminding her that she doesn’t owe her friends anything. The tapes are backed up on a hard-drive, so if the police get them, Hanna will be in a lot of trouble. Hanna wonders if she and her mother can retrieve the hard-drive before the police do.
Aria breaks into Ezra’s apartment and checks his golf bag to see if his nine iron is missing. She’s relieved to find it there.
Spencer arrives to the Radley to be briefed on the set-up for the town hall meeting-slash-debate between her and Yvonne, but becomes distracted when she sees Toby in the distance with an engagement ring in hand. Later, Spencer receives another text from the PLLs’ new cyber-stalker. The text taunts her about Toby and Yvonne’s impending engagement.
Ezra’s cordless phone flashes, alerting Aria to check his messages. She’s unnerved when she listens to one from her dad and Byron attempts to clarify a misunderstanding that occurred the night of Charlotte’s murder. Moments later, Aria returns to The Brew, interrupts Emily’s conversation with Sabrina, and shares her suspicions about her father.
Hanna apologizes to Jordan and lets him know she’ll understand if he wants to call off the wedding. Jordan isn’t going to break their engagement because she erased the tape, but he does want her to be more honest with him. He plans to use his dad’s connections to hire a lawyer to help Hanna. A beat later, Hanna gets another text from the PLLs’ new cyber-stalker.
Hanna calls Spencer and they debate whether or not to tell the guys about the texts. In the end, Spencer decides to get Caleb on it in hopes of tracing the caller’s signal. Spencer deletes the second text about Toby & Yvonne before enlisting Caleb’s help.
Later, Spencer updates Emily and informs her that Caleb may have a possible location on the texts. Simultaneously, Spencer finally meets Yvonne and the pair shares a somewhat awkward encounter.
A mysterious figure spies on Emily while she’s at Aria’s house. Aria is still worried her dad might be guilty and tries to get in touch with him, but he brushes her off. Aria recalls a fight her parents had following the bunker incident in which Ella went to visit Charlotte at the hospital. As Aria searches for her dad’s spare car keys, she realizes she forgot to return the keys to Ezra’s apartment.
Hanna and Jordan meet with Hanna’s new lawyer. Hanna doesn’t tell either of them about the texts.
Spencer visits Toby. There’s still an awkward tension, despite them both dating other people, and Toby admits it was a lot easier to be “just friends” with Spencer when she lived in D.C.
Later, Spencer and Caleb head out to the location where Caleb tracked the texts’ signal. Caleb asks why Spencer deleted the text about Toby and Spencer says she wants to maintain the easiness and newness of their relationship. Caleb understands.
Emily tries to slip Ezra’s keys back unnoticed, though Sabrina catches her in the act and becomes angry. Emily explains she and Aria were simply trying to help Ezra, but Sabrina dismisses her.
Hanna, Jordan, and her lawyer wait to speak to Lorenzo. Hanna’s lawyer goes in first and returns within seconds. The Radley’s backup drive is lost; Hanna’s off the hook.
Aria searches her room and finally finds her dad’s spare car keys.
Spencer and Caleb arrive at their location: a storage center. Inside they find a trash can with a phone and several pairs of black hoodies and gloves. A beat later, they receive a taunting text: “I don’t lurk in the shadows. I hide in plain sight.”
Aria opens her dad’s trunk and checks his golf bag. She’s horrified to learn his nine iron is missing.
At the Marin house, Ashley pours a drink and removes the Radley’s backup system from her purse.
Spencer and Yvonne participate in the town hall meeting at the Radley and it goes well. Simultaneously, Hanna breaks into her mom’s office to try and find hotel arrangements for Byron and Ezra, while Emily, Aria, and Caleb act as lookouts.
When the event ends, the gang realizes they overlooked a major detail in the photo of the nine iron: the carpet in the background.
Aria receives a call from Byron; he has something he has to tell her.
The PLLs’ new stalker jumps into a car where he or she removes a mask.
End of episode.
Pretty Little Liars airs every Tuesday at 8 p.m. on Freeform.