Steven Colbert gives us something else to laugh about whenever comedian and Daily Show correspondent, Samantha Bee stops by his show.

Colbert and Bee sat down and talked about her new show Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, which will be airing on Sunday, Feb. 8 at 10:30 p.m. on TBS.

Bee will be a part of a big change in late night Television history, because she will be the only woman hosting a late night show.

Colbert asked her if she ever gets tired of being asked about being the only woman in late night and she jokingly said, "Quite honestly before I started this process I didn't even know that women could talk, turns out they can."

Bee mentioned to Colbert that she watches his show from time to time and noticed that he references his own "man parts" quite frequently.

After the hilarious video clips of him referencing his parts, Bee brought in her own list of lady euphemisms to share with Colbert and the audience.

According to Colbert, the following are euphemisms that a lady comedian can use to refer to her, in his words "bathing suit area."

The Late Show with Steven Colbert airs at 11:35 p.m. weeknights on CBS.