The team investigates the case when a young woman named Gina Bryant escapes from the home where she has been held hostage for 10 years, along with two other girls. While another girl, Sheila, is discovered and taken to the hospital with an illness, Violet is still missing after the unsub takes her. JJ and Spencer work together to talk to Gina and Violet to find out what happened to them.
Unfortunately, Sheila succumbs to her injuries, leaving Violet as the one who may be able to give them information on the unsub and the disappearing place he took the other two girls instead of Gina. Eventually, the unsub is found with Violet, but the case takes another turn and they have more to work through in order to get the girls the help they need.
This was an intense episode that showed a different look at the BAU as they worked a case in which they had an idea of who their unsub was, but had to physically find him through his living victims. It also delved into Stockholm Syndrome and how it is difficult to break through the barriers, as JJ tries to do with Violet throughout the episode.
Follow the case of the three abducted girls in our top ten from the episode, “Hostage.”