
Storm Entertainment put out a new comic book this month based on the life of David Bowie called Tribute: David Bowie. While the idea has possibility, the book itself falls flat and comes out feeling like it was pieced together just to cash in on Bowie’s death.

The Tribute comic starts off with potential. The art is well done and the first page describes Bowie as an innovator and chameleon of sound, which is certainly true. However, as the book moves on, you begin to notice that it’s choppy. Facts are thrown in that have no relevance to what should be an overall story arc. It’s like someone took a look at a David Bowie's wiki page and just threw facts in willy-nilly with no story in mind.

Not only is there no real story line, the writers also got some of the facts of Bowie’s life wrong. For example, they tell us that Bowie formed a band called Time Machine. Any Bowie fan can tell you that in reality the name of the band was Tin Machine. How hard would it be to fact check the book before publishing it?

Finally, the worst part of the book has to be the ending. The comic creators decided to add a section dedicated to Bowie’s final days. However, they abandoned their relation of facts and instead used quotes from the Book of John with random drawings of Bowie finding out he has cancer and his final music video. It feels forced. Why do the “story” for the rest of the book one way and then completely change the format for the epilogue? It feels like they were trying to publish it quickly just to cash in on Bowie’s death.

While the art in this book is creative, the words leave much to be desired. It feels rushed, like it was put together by people who aren’t true Bowie fans. For true Bowie devotees, leave this one on the shelf and look for a more substantial autobiography.