Once again, a network hopes to forget that they aired Unforgettable, the crime procedural that starred Poppy Montgomery. The show lasted four seasons.
Unforgettable began at CBS and was cancelled after its lackluster freshman season during the 2011-12 TV season. A month after that decision though, CBS reversed course and brought it back for a second season as a summer show. The show was brought back for a third season for 2014, but was then cancelled again.
However, A&E swooped in to save the Sony Pictures TV show and aired a 13-episode season four. That will be the end of the road for Montgomery's detective with long-term memory though, as Deadline confirmed that A&E has cancelled it.
The show’s cast is already on the look out for new projects, including Montgomery, since their contracts have expired. Sony is also not looking to take the show to another network.
Montgomery’s other credits include Without A Trace and Glory Days.