The last episode of NCIS saw the return of Tony DiNozzo’s father while the team dealt with a case in which two women accused each other of murder. When the episode began, police were called to the scene, where one woman claimed that a woman shot her husband while inside the house, the woman claimed the other woman did it.
Meanwhile at work, Tim discovered he had Delilah’s phone and was worried that she could see who was calling him, which piqued Ellie’s curiosity. Tony saw his father come in and was surprised since it wasn’t yet time for their Tuesday lunches together. His father wanted some work to do, but Tony declined since they had a lot of classified material at work. Gibbs offered for him to come help with a boat in the basement.
Gibbs interrupted to let the team know they had a case, meaning Tim couldn’t get his phone back just yet. When they arrived, Gibbs heard about the women blaming each other and had Tony and Ellie swab them for GSR while Tim looked around inside. He noticed there was a bullet hole in the ceiling.
The victim was Laurence Jennings, a civilian who did work for Naval publications. His wife, Angelina, claimed that his mistress, a lawyer named Joann Allman, shot him. While Tim dealt with the murder weapon, Tony interrogated Joann while Ellie took Angelina’s statement.
Both of the women gave different statements, saying they were at a hotel in Angelina’s case and the gym in Joann’s case. They both said they got a call from Laurence at 7, an hour before the murder. But they both claimed they didn’t shoot him. In his interrogation, Tony brought up the fact her law license was suspended.
In autopsy, Ducky told Gibbs the gunshot wound to Laurence’s chest came from far away while the head shot was close in contact. There were fibers on his body that Abby was testing. As Palmer was upstairs talking to Abby, she wasn’t too happy about being bothered since she had a lot of work to do. Tim came to let her know the weapon was legally registered to Laurence. Not helping their case, both women had fingerprints on the weapon in addition to Laurence.
Meanwhile, Tony and Senior finished having lunch when a homeless woman came up to them, thinking Senior was his father. Tony gave her some money before leading his dad away.
Vance came to the team to ask for an update. Tony believed the mistress was guilty while Ellie thought the wife looked good for it. Tim was in between. They still weren’t even sure who the murderer could be due to the evidence they had.
In his basement, Gibbs and Senior talked about the homeless woman he had come across. He felt like he wanted to help her, so Gibbs urged him to go ahead and do just that.
Senior surprised Tony the next day by bringing the homeless woman to his apartment. Tony was none too thrilled about this.
Ellie was curious about Tim hiding something from Delilah and asked him about it. He confided in her he was expecting a call from a jeweler about diamonds. She was thrilled at the news and they updated Gibbs on the case. They had discovered Laurence put $500,000 in two separate accounts. Tony arrived late and told them about the homeless woman. His dad was taking her to a shelter.
Senior took the woman to the shelter and found out that if they had fingerprints, they could find out who she was.
Gibbs and Tim went to the naval station where Laurence worked and found out from a colleague he had won the lottery. He also knew Laurence was having an affair with Joann.
Abby ran the fingerprints she got from Senior on the woman, much to Tony’s dismay. She had discovered the woman formerly was in the Army and her name was Susan Lowe.
The team discussed the case with Gibbs, telling him the wife had blown through the money Laurence gave her while he had also given Joann money for plastic surgery. Tim began to lean toward the wife since Laurence had a life insurance policy for $2 million. Gibbs suggested they do a polygraph examination.
While Tim and Ellie got Joann and Angelina to the building, Tony thanked Gibbs for having his dad help Susan.
Senior went back to the shelter, only to discover that Susan had left at the mention of a doctor. He then found out she may have Dementia and she had symptoms that showed a possible brain tumor.
The women take the polygraph test, but Gibbs and Vance found out that both women were being truthful when they said they didn’t kill Laurence. Gibbs knew they didn’t have enough to go to trial, since there was enough reasonable doubt in the women’s favor.
Tony and Senior were at home talking about how to help Susan. Tony revealed to his father he found information on her, including that her parents were deceased and she had an address five years prior to seemingly disappearing. They planned to go to the address to see if they can find information on her.
Gibbs found out that the fibers Abby found came back to a heating blanket that was placed on the body in order to hide his real cause of death. Because of this, Ducky determined the victim died while the women were still at their alibi locations.
Senior and Tony talk to a man who had known Susan. They found out she began acting erratically and talked about wanting to see her father, who didn’t approve of her being gay. He told the men about a park she would go to near where she had worked in the area.
Gibbs went to Ellie to ask for the life insurance policy on Jennings before asking Tim if anything deleted off a computer was saved elsewhere. Tim confirmed it was possibly and Gibbs asked him to see if anything had been deleted around the time the death took place.
The DiNozzo men found Susan on a park bench, but she was very sick so Tony called 911.
Meanwhile, Ducky admonished Jimmy for not swabbing Laurence’s hands during their original autopsy, but he hadn’t since they thought they were focusing on their suspects.
At Angelina’s home, the team confronted her and Joann. They knew about the suicide note Jennings had written and the life insurance policy had a suicide clause in it. They realized that Jennings shot himself and the women hid the suicide so Angelina could get her money. Joann went along with it when she was promised half of the $2 million. The team arrested them for insurance fraud.
At the hospital, the doctor told Senior that Susan’s brain tumor was bad enough that she had only a month to live. Since she still believed he was her father, Senior went to her bedside and made amends to her as though he was her father. As this happened, Tony looked on.