On Friday’s episode of The Originals, dangerous foes bid on the remaining white oak bullet in an attempt to bring Klaus down for good.
While playing drums at the Infirmary, Elijah hears a man on the phone saying he’s going to take down Klaus. He uses a waitress as a diversion and follows the man from the bar. Members of the Strix stop him. Marcel says Elijah should let them do their job by staying put.
Vince pulls the bullet out of hiding. A female vampire appears with a gang. Vince takes them all down with magic except the woman. Magic doesn’t work on her. She bites him and takes the bullet.
Josh asks Marcel to let him join the Strix. He refuses. Josh shows off by telling him about the upcoming auction for the white oak bullet that he heard about before the Strix did. He minored in computer science and ran down some online rumors, finding the auction. Vince shows up and tells Marcel that it’s real.
Lucian comes to the Mikaelson complex and gives Freya flowers.
Kol tells Elijah that Finn is back. He apparently piggy-backed on the magic Davina used to resurrect Kol. Elijah refuses to let Kol kill Finn. Freya says Finn isn’t starting the rumors about the white oak. The rumors started before they were back. Elijah asks why she’s so certain. Finn enters the room.
Hayley and Klaus stop in a backwoods town for gas. They go to a werewolf bar where Hayley knows the owner, Hollis. He says the pack has been disbanding, but they’re welcome to stay.
Marcel tells Elijah he will win the auction or kill the person who does. The Mikaelsons will stay under protection until he can.
Hollis gets a call. He tells Hayley that a 15 year old girl she used to babysit accidentally killed a robber at a local convenience store. Hayley wants to go talk to her, but Klaus has a fit.
Marcel abducts the man Elijah was following. They use the log-in details on his phone for the auction. Marcel bids using a latin phrase that means the Strix will complete any one command. They get a call telling them where to collect the bullet.
Elijah asks for alone time with Finn. Finn tells him he wants to be put in a witch’s body to live his life without his family.
Josh goes to collect the bullet, but he’s attacked. She knows who he is.
Hayley tells Klaus he’s incapable of even pretending to be a good person. He created his own enemies. She asks if that’s what he wants for his daughter. She tells him that one day his daughter may be dealing with the same thing as this 15 year old girl. She hopes someone would take time to help her too. She says being kind doesn’t make you weak.
Kol complains to Davina about Finn taking over another body. She tries to take his mind off of it, but he starts to lose control of his hunger and leaves.
Marcel takes out the guards who are beating up Josh. Vince tracks the blood that Josh got on the woman’s jacket. She’s stuck in traffic. Marcel knocks on her window and chases her when she takes off running. The Strix surround her and take the bullet.
Davina opens Finn’s grimoire. She tears out a spell.
Elijah asks Kol to stay his hand and not attack Finn. He notices that Kol is out of control. Kol says the rage and hunger have been getting worse since he’s been back. He wants to control it so he doesn’t hurt Davina.
Hayley takes the girl to a place where the pack goes to accept what they did to trigger their curse. She tells her she’s strong and not alone. Hayley called in a favor to the local sheriff’s office to get the ID of the man who was killed. The girl hangs the ID on a tree.
Finn accosts Davina with stories about how Kol kills the women he gets bored with. She attacks Finn with a spell to lock his soul in his body. He tries to hurt her, but Kol stops him. They fight, but Freya and Elijah stop Kol before he can kill Finn. Kol says he’d rather take his chances with the oak bullet than stay with family. He and Davina leave.
Elijah shows Freya the bullet. Marcel brought it to him. Freya starts a fire to destroy it, but Finn stops Elijah before he can throw it in. He can’t bear an eternity with no hope of escape. Lucian tells Elijah to destroy it, but he decides to have Freya cloak herself and the bullet and travel far away until they want release.
The woman who stole the bullet from Vince tells him that she let them take the bullet back. Her boss wanted them to have it. The candles in the room magically go out and Vincent is pulled under by the ancestors. They tell him to help her kill the Mikaelsons. He snaps Josh’s neck and lets the woman go.
Klaus comes to Hayley at the pack site and apologizes. He agrees to compromise more often. When he looks at the tree, he notices a pattern in the IDs. The attack wasn’t random and the wolves aren’t just disappearing. They’re being hunted.

Elijah tells Klaus they have the bullet. Klaus tells him that Kingmaker’s Land Development is still targeting wolves.
Marcel finds Josh unconscious and the room otherwise empty.
Vince goes after Freya and knocks her unconscious. A group of men arrives and takes her away.
Lucian greets Freya when she wakes. He’s the one who wanted the bullet all along.
See the promo for episode 316: