Last week on Rush Hour, our heroes solved a difficult case against a mobster. This week they solve Lee’s personal issues which have led to professional problems.

Lee has been evicted for giving a citation to his landlord. Carter and Gerald come to help him move. When he exits, all he has is a suitcase and we find out he has no other place to live. Gerald offers to help him find an apartment. He has a genuinely good heart, but also wants a finder’s fee.

A councilman gives a speech at a community center. Afterwards, he finds someone has keyed his car. When he gets in, there’s a note on his dashboard that says, “You did this to yourself.” We all know what’s going to happen next. The car explodes.

Cole comes to the crime scene. Carter shows her the military grade shotgun shells used as shrapnel. Their bomber might have a military background. They also found a set of golf clubs inscribed with a K. They don’t match the councilman’s initials.

Didi finds a video of Douglas Peterson yelling at the councilman at a city meeting. He’s an ex-marine discharged for emotional instability.

Carter and Lee check out Peterson’s apartment. They find guns and drugs, but no bomb making materials. Gerald almost gives Carter a heart attack when he jumps into the room yelling, “Boom!” As Gerald is telling them that he found an apartment, Lee notices Peterson at the docks below.

In one of the great chase scenes we’ve come to expect from Lee, he runs after Peterson. Carter follows. When Lee confronts Peterson, he knocks Lee into the water and tries to untie his boat. Carter stops him, then picks on Lee for messing up.

Lee asks Peterson about the councilman. He claims he keyed his car, but didn’t blow him up. He was chased away by a security guard. Carter says the community center can’t afford a guard and asks for a description.

Didi says two witnesses saw a security guard watching when the fire department showed up.

A surfer comes back to his RV and finds the same note that was in the councilman’s car. We all hold our breath as he pulls the door open, but nothing happens. Maybe everything will be fine. However, when he turns on the television, the RV blows up.

Our heroes come to the crime scene and find the same evidence, including the K-marked golf clubs. Carter throws Lee a club, but he misses.

Gerald calls Lee and tells him he found a place with a pool full of hotties. Lee is annoyed. Gerald sends him pictures. Carter is super jealous.

Didi finds that the surfer inherited and owned a strip mall in the councilman’s district for about a day. Krieg commercial bought the mall. Krieg doesn’t make golf clubs, but he owns a construction company with access to explosives. Could he be the bomber?

Krieg says golf clubs are the closing gift he gives to buyers. The councilman helped push the refurb plans for the strip mall past the opposition.

Carter notices a matching note on Krieg’s desk. Lee sees a pressure release bomb on Krieg’s chair. There’s also a two minute timer. Carter hilariously decides to “Indie Jones” him by sliding a plant into his chair to displace his weight. It seems to work for a split second, then the chair rises and they dive out of the room as it explodes.

Rush Hour S01E04 Krieg bombRush Hour S01E04 Krieg bomb
Credit: Robert Voets/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ©2015 WBEI. All rights reserved.

Outside the building, Carter notices an EMT in the wrong uniform. Lee takes off after him in another heart-pounding chase scene. He fights the man, but he knocks Lee to the ground and takes off. Carter helps Lee up. He suggests Lee is off because he doesn’t have a home.

Didi looks into the preservation efforts for the strip mall to find out who was angry it was demolished and rebuilt. Carter and Lee go to the heritage society to see if the petition had an extra-vocal supporters. The woman in charge, Molly, can’t think of anyone that stood out.

Molly’s late for a historical park tour, but she gives them the files on the strip mall. They notice handwriting on a store sign that matches the bomber’s. They call Didi for information. She’s always on point.

The store owner is dead, but Didi suggests an irate customer might be to blame. Carter looks up the reviews and they all praise a specific employee, Troy. A picture shows Troy to be the fake EMT.

Cole sends a bomb squad to investigate Troy’s apartment. As usual, she flirts with the head of the team. The man who goes in finds a backpack with photos of the bombing victims. There’s also a picture of the heritage society. Cole calls for a squad to head to the society’s location.

While driving, Carter realizes that the bomber hasn’t been going after institutions. It doesn’t feel right. They pull up the picture again and see Molly standing out front. They know she’s the next target and head for the tour at the park, calling for backup from the bomb squad.

Troy follows the tour inside a historical home. He confronts Molly about not saving the strip mall. Didi tells Carter that the bomb team is being rerouted, but it will be 20 minutes. They arrive and rush inside, finding Molly in an explosive vest. Troy holds the detonator.

Troy felt at home at the shop after having to leave his country. Lee tries to connect with Troy about feeling lost. Carter kicks the detonator out of his hand then helps Molly outside while Lee fights Troy.

Carter removes Molly’s vest and runs. An exciting fight scene ensues between Troy and Lee. Carter drops the vest in a dumpster just as Troy hits the button. Lee knocks him out then runs out screaming Carter’s name. He finds him dancing in the rubble.

Cole tells Carter off for risking an explosion by removing the bomb vest. She says he should be dead, but Lee sympathetically stands up for him.

Gerald tells Lee he found him a home. Turns out kind-hearted Didi is letting him live in her spare bedroom. Carter tells Gerald he won’t be getting a commission.

Credit: Robert Voets/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ©2015 WBEI. All rights reserved.

See the promo for episode four: