I hate to go into Saturday Night Live recaps with negativity. If I’ve learned anything in my two years writing about SNL, it’s that you can never predict how an episode’s gonna go. Who’d have thought Ariana Grande would make such a killer host and that Melissa McCarthy’s fourth outing would be so ho-hum. But tonight our host is professional scowler Russell Crowe. He’s not known for comedy and, truthfully, I don’t think he’s too good at drama either. He just always comes off as so stiff and monotone. But maybe I’m just still mad that he single-handedly sunk the film version of Les Miserables. So…clean slate, OK?

Like I always do, I’ll be writing the recaps “live,” meaning I’ll watch a sketch and immediately write a short blurb reviewing and recapping it. For each segment, I’ll rate it on a scale of 0-5 stars. At the end of the piece, I’ll share some quick overall thoughts and the best/worst sketch of the night.


A Message from Hilary Clinton: * * ½

Except for a brilliant bit of physical comedy regarding Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clinton and a subway turnstile, there wasn’t much memorable in this cold open. I didn’t mind its simplicity – in fact I like that it was just a straight monologue from McKinnon – but I wish the material was a bit fresher. McKinnon’s energy was great, but she can only do so much with so-so material.

Opening Monologue: * ½

Oh, I forgot Crowe was in A Beautiful Mind! Now that’s a great movie. He was actually really good it in. So sorry Russ for the earlier “you’re a bad actor” comment. Now maybe you can apologize for this dour monologue that thinks 8008s is funny to anyone over the age of eight.

Preparation H: ½

Hemorrhoids aren't funny. Neither is this sketch.

Politics Nation: *

The first half of this sketch was just Kenan Thompson mispronouncing words. The second half, with the real Al Sharpton, really wants to be the next How’s He Doing roundtable sketch. It fails on both counts.

Henry The IIV: ½

What fresh hell is this? What is going on tonight? What did I do to deserve this? Why is there an entire sketch based around a hologrammed version of King Henry the 8th yelling at helpless women? Just…why?

Match Finder: * * ½

This isn’t a great sketch. It’s barely a good sketch. It’s too similar to Match’d, another dating show sketch, and not nearly as funny. It relies far too much on shocking dialogue that’s really not that shocking. But it’s clearly the best thing tonight so far. I actually laughed at that clitoris line. So that’s saying something.

Weekend Update: * * * ½

Thank God for Jost and Che who actually bring some genuinely funny and smart jokes to the table. Quite a few of their zingers really landed tonight. Bruce Chandling, on the other hand, continues to be a mystery. The audience was dead silent and I’m still stuck between thinking he’s a lame, unfunny character or a brilliant piece of Andy Kaufman-esque performance art. Jury’s still out.

100 Days In The Jungle: *

I’m not a fan of your Uncle’s Friend Terry. The way SNL parodied the Survivor logo was kinda funny. At least funnier than Russell Crowe mugging and shouting “a duck’s vagina!” multiple times. I will say this, Crowe is surprisingly game when he’s on camera. Not good, per se, but he’s trying.

Pogie Pepperoni: * *

Ever wonder what would happen if Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne knockoffs got a job at a Chuck E. Cheese knockoff? Clearly someone at SNL did ask that question. I’m not sure why. Note: that second star is due to the head exploding shot.

Shanice Goodwin, Ninja: * *

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Leslie Jones is a national treasure. While I don’t think this is a particularly good sketch, there is very little funnier than Jones reacting to things. I’d watch an entire 90-minute movie of Kenan Thompson and Leslie Jones reacting to things. I won’t remember this by Monday, but perhaps tonight that’s a compliment.

Oprah Winfrey, A Life Of Love: * * * *

Oh, thank you Mike O’Brien! Only you can save this episode. While he’s not known for conventional sketches, I’m not sure I’d ever expect him to make a series of shorts based around him playing famous black celebrities. Mike O’Brien playing Oprah? Why not. This is delightfully weird and funny, despite being basically void of jokes. My favorite part of this whole episode tonight is O’Brien and Jason Sudeikis reenacting a Color Purple scene.


Best Sketch: Mike O’Brien as Oprah Winfrey

Worst Sketch: Can I say the whole thing and just go to bed?

Musical Guest: Margo Price

I have a cousin named Margo Price. I don’t really know her, but I did go to her wedding. I don’t think this is the same Margo Price. Oh, I’m supposed to talk about this Margo Price? She’s just fine, if you like throwback country artists.

Overall Thoughts:

This is just a bad SNL episode. No other way to put it. In my two years recapping this show, I can’t remember a show with lower scores. Let’s just move on and look forward to Julia Louis-Dreyfus next week.