At the end of last week’s episode, Kara finally had the guts to kiss James only to have him fall under the spell of Myriad. This week on Supergirl, Kara must find a way to free her friends, and the rest of National City, from Non and Indigo’s mind control. Can she save the world without causing casualties?
Lucy and the other DEO agents are under Non’s control. He orders them to release all the prisoners except for the white Martian. Lucy personally opens the cell of Maxima, who attacks her. Lucy tells her Non calls for her fidelity.
Supergirl and Maxima have a heart-pounding battle. Supergirl knocks Maxima unconscious only to be attacked by Lucy. Lucy shoots her with a kryptonite bullet, but Supergirl is able to stop her with the thrusters of her ship before wrenching the bullet out of her own arm.
Kara flies to the Fortress of Solitude to find Superman, but he’s off-world. A projection of her mother tells her the terrifying truth about Myriad. It’s a program created by Astra that’s designed to take over the minds of everyone who got in her way. She and Non planned to use it to save Krypton, but they were arrested. The elders refused to speak of the program again in fear that it could be used to enslave whole planets at the push of a button. Alura says once it’s in place, the program cannot be stopped.

At a police blockade, an officer gets on a charter bus looking for Hank and Alex. Luckily, they have an ingenious disguise. Alex dons a long blonde wig and sunglasses, but Hank poses as her 8-year-old son. The officer lets the bus pass.
Supergirl flies to Cat Co. and is horrified to find her office-mates doing Kryptonian programming. They can’t hear her when she speaks. Kara sees General Lane report on the news from outside of National City saying they’re quarantined.
Suddenly, Cat arrives. Amazingly, she’s not a drone. Kara gets a text that Superman is coming to help. She sees him, but he’s affected by Myriad. Max arrives and suggests that Superman is affected because he grew up on Earth, making his brain more human.
Max is completely normal. He’s using ion blockers because he realized Non is using his satellites to send neural signals into the minds of National City’s citizens. In an act of kindness, he sent Cat a pair of earrings that used the same technology.
Kara asks Max if he can just reprogram his satellites. He says there are force fields around them.
Non gloats that with Superman out of commission, nothing can stop him. Indigo mentions Supergirl, but Non says she overestimates her strength. Indigo tells him he should kill Kara or end up like Astra.
Alex and Hank go to Professor Danvers for help. They explain that her husband saved J’onn, who in turn saved Kara and Alex. Professor Danvers fills them in on what’s going on in National City.
Non comes to Cat Co. He claims Myriad brings peace and will save the world. He speaks through Winn and James’ mouths. In a shocking twist, he sends Winn, James and Kelly to the balcony ledge. They all jump. Supergirl is able to save Winn and James, but Kelly dies. Non threatens to kill everyone she loves if she interferes.
Professor Danvers asks if J’onn was with Jeremiah at the end. He says he promised to take care of Jeremiah’s family.
Alex calls Kara. She and J’onn want to help. J’onn tells Alex to stay back because her father will need her.
Max has a bomb that will kill all Kryptonians. If Supergirl detonates it above the city, she and Superman can fly away safely, but they won’t be able to return for 50 years. The force of the bomb will also kill regular people in the surrounding area. Over 3,000 people will die. Startlingly, Kara considers it.
Max gets permission from the President to set off the bomb. Kara asks how he became like he is. He tells her that he warned his parents and the CDC to scrap their ineffective hazmat suits, but no one would listen. He vowed he would never wait for permission to protect people again. He leaves to get the bomb ready.
Indigo makes a chilling suggestion – that Non becomes Lord of the Universe.
Alex tells J’onn she’s going with him. She tells him to guard her mind from Myriad with his telepathy. She tries to tell her mother about Jeremiah being at Cadmus, but J’onn stops her. He says she has enough on her plate.
Cat wisely admonishes Supergirl, telling her that she needs to come up with a better plan. Cat says the worst decisions in her life were made from fear. Supergirl is afraid of making the wrong choice and losing the planet to Myriad. Cat says hope is stronger than fear.
Indigo senses J’onn. She attacks Alex and J’onn throws her into a building that explodes on impact. Remarkably, she survives and stabs him through the chest. When he collapses, Alex becomes a mindless drone.
Supergirl convinces Max that the bomb will do what he was afraid she would do – kill indiscriminately. She tells him to honor his parents.
Alex awakens at the heart of Non and Indigo’s operation. Non knows that she killed Astra. Alex tells him that Astra lost her taste for what Myriad would do to Earth. Non disagrees. Indigo says she knows how to punish Alex and Supergirl together.
Cat brings Supergirl and Max to her old TV station to show the city a symbol of hope. They can piggyback off of the Myriad signal without leaving a digital fingerprint.
Supergirl hears a loud noise. She finds Alex being controlled by Non. Abhorrently, he wants the sisters to fight to the death. Alex has the sword that she used to kill Astra. They fly at each other and the screen goes black.
Check out the promo for this episode below: