Celebrities do not always have the best reputations. Many get caught in negative situations, but that is not the case with all. There are countless celebrities who do great charitable work and are worthy of being looked up to by viewers and fans as role models.

Children, especially, spend much of their time watching and following their favorite celebrities. They are impressionable, looking up to these public figures as examples. Luckily, there are stars who use their platforms for good, donating to charities, representing organizations, giving back to their communities and supporters, or showing fans that it is okay to be themselves.

Celebrities can be exemplary role models in various ways. Whether they pour their heart and soul into work for the greater good or channel their efforts into sticking to their morals, both sides of the spectrum qualify them for role-model status.

From Ellen DeGeneres to John Cena, here is a top 10 list of celebrity role models:

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