A massive flame is heading right at Selina as she is able to dodge her old friend. Firefly wants to sacrifice her but Selina uses those cat-like reflexes and is able to get the upper hand. Bruce is waiting for Selina on their rooftop spot but is greeted by Ivy instead. Bruce fears that Selina is in some danger.
“Captain” Bullock is talking to the press, assuring them that Azrael is dead. Jim tells him they need to bring in Hugo Strange but they have no hard evidence. Strange is a smart guy. Jim is going to do a little work on his own.
Strange is continuing his rebirth/resurrection work at Arkham Asylum. Peabody warns him that they are going to shut them down. Strange doesn’t seem concerned. He wants to try with subject #13…which is Fish Mooney. Why? I wasn’t a huge fan of her last season. This will be interesting.
We see somebody watching the news and is apparently not pleased with what Strange is doing. “Strange is losing control,” she says as we observe her mask sitting on the table. Who is this person? Is she in charge of Arkham/Indian Hill?
The Good Guys[Bruce/Alfred/Jim/Lucius] are meeting where they come up with a plan to get inside Arkham Asylum, find the secret lab and rescue Selina. Bruce and Lucius will act like they want a tour while Jim will sneak in. Alfred isn’t a fan of the plan, but respects the man Bruce is becoming and gives him his blessing.
Welcome Back Fish Mooney
Strange is preparing to resurrect Fish Mooney. They are able to wake her up and she has her full memory. Strange is intrigued and surprised that she has retained her full memory. They decide to lock her up and continue observation. He thinks this success will make “the masters” happy. He also wants to consider letting Edward help them.
It’s a normal day at Arkham Asylum. Edward is being tormented by one of Strange’s projects. Bruce and Lucius arrive seeking a tour. Jim is hiding in the trunk waiting for his moment. Jim sneaks inside. Lucius takes the tour and is able to locate the entrance and marks it for Jim. Bruce and Dr. Strange have a heavy conversation in his office. Strange begs Bruce to not make his father’s mistakes. Bruce stands up to him and this causes Strange to order the capture of Bruce, Jim and Lucius.
Everybody is at Arkham Asylum
We have so many people at Arkham right now. Selina is trying to break out of the room where she is trapped with Firefly. Firefly wakes up and Selina tries to make her remember who she is. That doesn’t work. Selina agrees to be her “servant” in order to save her life.
Fish Mooney is in her cell and is able to manipulate a guard into making her a sandwich. It seems that Fish might have some special powers. It looks like she might be her for a minute.
Strange is observing his prisoners when “the master” comes on the TV to talk to Strange. She wants to know about their progress and Strange promises her that he has brought somebody back. She orders him to destroy Indian Hill. Who is this woman?
Bruce and Lucius are place inside a room where it appears Edward is going to play a game with them. This can’t be good for them. Meanwhile, Jim is being restrained by Strange’s men and they put a device on Jim’s head and Strange adds his special serum. An experiment on Jim? Interesting.
Alfred goes to Bullock and tells him Jim, Bruce and Lucius are still at Arkham. Bullock loads up the GCPD SWAT team and they prepare to raid Arkham.
Home Stretch
Edward is giving Jim and Lucius five minutes to tell him what they know about this place. If they don’t…they will die. GCPD is closing in on Arkham Asylum. It is time to lock and load.
Firefly is preparing to break out of her room with her “servant” Selina. Fish Mooney is slowly trying to understand her new powers.
They take the device off Jim. They then put it on Basil, the man Strange was experimenting on earlier. Strange uses the serum and it appears to clone Jim. It looks like they are going to release this man and keep the real Jim prisoner.
We are in for one wild season finale!