Lena Dunham recently heard the tragic news that actor Nick Lashaway, who played Frank on the show Girls, was killed in a car accident and paid tribute to him via social media.
The actress took to Instagram on May 11 and posted a photo of the two of them on the episode in which Lashaway was featured on. She explained that he passed away on May 8 and sent her condolences to his family writing, “Nick was such a talented, funny and kind person and we were so lucky to have him as a part of our Girls family when he played Frank in episode 207. We will always remember the week we shared with him, his playful smile, his easy instincts, how much he made us laugh even when we had to stay up all night in the woods. We are sending love to his family and friends and feeling such gratitude for his gifts.”
Authorities said that Lashaway was involved in a three-car crash in Framingham, Massachusetts last Sunday. He was transported from the scene to a hospital where he was later pronounced dead.