After confessing to Marcus, Casey’s best friend, Mindy starts dating him. Marcus is on a mission to show Mindy the best of everything in New York through various dates: the best Chinese food, the best Vodka, the best interactive theater experience, adult pillow fight, etc. Marcus pretty much hates any type of chain stores. Marcus does not know how to spend a night in, with Mindy. Mindy finds out that Marcus does not have much of a personality beyond the crazy experiences he took Mindy on.

The nurses turn Dr. C’s former office into a nurse’s lounge. Jeremy becomes upset about a silly poster in the nurse’s office. Jeremy wants to nurses to love working at the office. He goes out of his way to give them everything they want including a popcorn machine. In the end, Jeremy lets them keep their poster and lounge so they can gripe about him in private.

One of Mindy’s patients, Eden, is picking a sperm donor, so she can have a baby. Louis, the sperm guy is mad at Jodi for not giving him a sample, so the next generation can have his cheekbones. But instead, Eden decides to have a baby with her flaky boyfriend, but not boyfriend, Jonah. Mindy does not want Jonah to be the sperm donor. She even went to Jonah’s apartment to get the sperm and gives him a talk about how much responsibility he would have as a father. Eden gives Jodi the case because Mindy does not respect her patient/doctor relationship boundaries. Jodi points out that Mindy is projecting her own problems onto her patients.