The Flash aired its second to last episode of the season and just when you thought everything was going to go smoothly, things went horribly wrong. After his time in the speed force, Barry worried his family and friends that he may have been a little overconfident in his attempts to beat Zoom. They were concerned that he wasn’t showing enough fear and Barry assured them he just wanted to make things right once and for all.

Meanwhile, while dealing with Caitlin’s return, Cisco began to get weird Vibes that he could not understand. They also had the army of meta humans to worry about, including Black Siren, Laurel Lance’s doppelganger. An idea to stop the metas collides with an idea Cisco has to distract Black Siren.

In another plot, Wally is determined to help Flash fight for the city and he will get a shock at the end of the episode in a scene that leads to a horrific loss for Barry. The final episode of the season will air next week as the Flash is more determined than ever to stop Zoom once and for all.

See every moment that came together in “Invincible.”  For full coverage from this season's episodes, click here.

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