The season finale for the eleventh season of Criminal Minds aired May 4 and the team dealt with the surprising arrest of their Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner, which happened in front of JJ Jareau, her son Henry and Hotch’s son Jack. While JJ’s husband Will watched over the kids at the BAU, the team raced to find out just what was happening to their boss and friend.

Meanwhile, the Department of Justice vigorously interrogated Hotch, claiming that they had proof he purchased 40 gallons of nitromethane in order to cause an explosion. However, Hotch denied the allegations, but was faced with more questions about his behavior, especially when Mr. Scratch from the tenth season made a reappearance.

While investigating who had spoofed Hotch in a 911 call, the team began to realize there was more going on than they originally thought. It turned out the person who the suspect was working with was planning a large prison break. Just when the BAU thought they had things under control, all was not as it seemed.

We’re still waiting to hear word on if there will be a twelfth season of the show and considering it left off on a slight cliffhanger, and we mean that no one’s life was in danger, it would make sense to give us another round with our favorite agents. Until we know for sure what is up, check out the top moments from “The Storm.”

The season finale for the eleventh season of Criminal Minds aired May 4 and the team dealt with the surprising arrest of their Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner, which happened in front of JJ Jareau, her son Henry and Hotch’s son Jack. While JJ’s husband Will watched over the kids at the BAU, the team raced to find out just what was happening to their boss and friend.

Meanwhile, the Department of Justice vigorously interrogated Hotch, claiming that they had proof he purchased 40 gallons of nitromethane in order to cause an explosion. However, Hotch denied the allegations, but was faced with more questions about his behavior, especially when Mr. Scratch from the tenth season made a reappearance.

While investigating who had spoofed Hotch in a 911 call, the team began to realize there was more going on than they originally thought. It turned out the person who the suspect was working with was planning a large prison break. Just when the BAU thought they had things under control, all was not as it seemed.

We’re still waiting to hear word on if there will be a twelfth season of the show and considering it left off on a slight cliffhanger, and we mean that no one’s life was in danger, it would make sense to give us another round with our favorite agents. Until we know for sure what is up, check out the top moments from “The Storm.”

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