Mindy returns from her visit with Peter in Texas to find that Jodi has a new girlfriend, Courtney.

Mindy’s alma mater, Princeton, has invited Mindy’s clinic to do a Later Baby! Presentation. Jodi bails on the presentation so he can spend the weekend with his girlfriend. Then Courtney tells Jodi he can do the presentation if she goes with him. Mindy absolutely hates Courtney. She is driving Mindy crazy. Courtney is miserable everywhere they go and allergic to literally everything.

The best twist of so far fantastic trip is that Mindy got the right date, but the wrong year. The clinic is scheduled to present on May 2nd, 2017. But with the help of the football coach (who went to school the same time Mindy did), she recruits students around campus and is able to do the presentation that day.

Morgan is getting on Jodi’s case about sending Mindy mixed signals. Mindy never gave him the belt buckle she bought him in Texas after learning about Courtney. However, later in the trip Courtney hands him Mindy’s present thinking he accidentally left it in the car. Morgan cuts Jody off while apologizing to Mindy and asking her about the belt buckle.

In the meantime, Mindy goes on a date with the football coach.