In case you haven't been following Shia Labeouf's journey on his art stunt titled #TAKEMEANYWHERE (which you very well should be) don't worry, we've got you covered.
The Transformers star has been tweeting out his coordinates, hoping his fans will pick him up and let him hitchhike a ride with them, along with his art piece pals, Luke Turner and Nastja Ronkko.
He's been everywhere from Colorado, Pennsylvania, North Carolina to Arizona and California. Fans have been nothing but ecstatic, and even admitted to speeding in their cars to be the first person to reach the coordinates and have their favorite actor sitting shot gun.
On June 12, Labeouf bought all his new friends in Philadelphia cheesesteaks for coming to join him on his 30th birthday, could he be any more adorable?
One fan even shared his entire two days with the actor and we are extremely jealous. You'll be too after watching.
Check out the top nine places Shia LaBeouf has been, and cross your fingers that he ends up in an area by you next.