Once Upon a Time has reached a level of popularity that there are now several conventions dedicated solely to it. Some of them travel from city to city throughout the year, while others are annual and stationary. Make no mistake, though. These gatherings take place worldwide.
Events dedicated to Once Upon a Time include some of the Creation Entertainment conventions, which take place in Canada and across the United States. Storybrooke is a Rogue Event convention situated in London. Brazil and France also host their own OUAT events: Ever After and Fairy Tales, respectively.
The cast and show runners also regularly participate in mega multi-genre conventions, such as Comic-Con International: San Diego, and New York Comic-Con, as well as Heroes & Villains Fan Fest and Wizard World, which both take place in various cities.
For all the “Oncers” out there, or fans of the individual actors, here are 17 must see moments from the conventions held from Jan – June 2016.