Day 23 in the Big Brother house and Bridgette and Category4 are safe for the week. This really means that Frank has major input in the nominations this week. Bridgette is so nice and naive she really has no idea what to do with the HOH power. This is great for Frank’s game. The Spy Girls are also happy that one of them is in power. This alliance could work considering how quiet they have been about it.

It seems that Paul and Tiffany are the potential nominees. Frank is definitely pushing for them. The HG are all slightly paranoid and we have a new drinking game for this season. You have to take a shot every time Corey says “I mean.” I counted at least 6 shots. Bridgette doesn’t want the house to think she doesn’t have a backbone. She wants to show that she can make a game move.

Frank has always had a fun and joking attitude, but it seems that lately that might be hurting him. Some of the girls in the house don't appreciate his humor, especially Da’Vonne. Frank jokingly spanks Da’Vonne and really upsets her. I think Frank may have gone too far with the joking. Da’Vonne is really upset and is consoled by other HG. Frank realizes what he has done and the next morning apologizes to her. She accepts it, but Frank has become Da’Vonne’s number one target and I feel it is her mission to get him evicted. This means to me that 8Pack is officially over.

The nomination ceremony is here and Bridgette nominates PAUL and TIFFANY. Paul is nominated for the third straight week while Tiffany is up for the second straight week. Frank obviously had major influence on this. Bridgette then gives probably the most awkward speech ever. She might be way too naive to play this game. Tiffany appears to be the main target while Paul might be giving Johnny Mac from BB17 a run for his money for the most times nominated.

The third BB RoadKill competition will give us a third nominee. The HG have to listen to a sequence of different horns and they have to match the pattern in the quickest time. This competition relies on having a good memory. James is out then. It is a toss up every week who will win these. The HG do their secret reveal and it turns out that Frank wins his second RoadKill competition. This man is dominating the game so far.

Showmances are blossoming in the house. Nicole has a major crush on Corey and they have gotten very close. The other one is Natalie and James. James likes her and on the other hand, Natalie says that James is the kind of guy she would date outside of the house. I’m curious to see how these new relationships develop.

Frank tells people that he won the RoadKill comp. He is thinking of nominating Bronte as the third nominee. He follows through with that plan at the RoadKill Reveal. It is interesting that the nominees this week are the EXACT same as last week. The difference being Tiffany was the secret nominee and this week it is Bronte. It still feels like Tiffany is the target but the POV can change everything. Who will win the Power of Veto? Will they use it to save Paul, Tiffany or Bronte from eviction?

Find out Wednesday night at 8 p.m.!