On season 3, episode 10, of Botched, Dr. Paul Nassif and Dr. Terry Dubrow help two patients achieve their goals and help one patient understand the dangers of going too far.
Shauna, a wife and mother of three, grew up playing sports and met her husband in college. When she decided to get a cheap nose job in Tijuana, Mexico, she had complications. The tip of her nose had a large bump on it and she immediately knew something was wrong. She went in to have surgery again four months later to correct it but then had problems with breathing and snot running down her nose.
With a box full of tissues, she visits the Botched doctors for her consultation. She said the constant dripping has affected her romantic life with her husband as well as her everyday life. Nassif said the previous doctor should have never gone in again for the second time only four months after the surgery. Nassif explained that it would take at least a year to go in for a second surgery on the tip and that she was lucky her tip did not die and fall off.
After examining her nose, Nassif agrees to do the surgery. On her surgery day, Nassif will take cartilage from her rib and fascia to help construct the nose. To help her breathing, he must widen the area and hope the dripping from her nose will stop. He said Shauna will not know if the dripping will stop until a month after the surgery has passed. During her check in a few days later, Nassif tells her there is a 30-40 percent chance that the dripping will stop.
After a few months of healing, Shauna has fun with her family outdoors and without a tissue box. The dripping has stopped and she feels happy to not have snot running down her nose every minute.
Ilana, a woman with G-size breasts, said she got big implants for the man she previously dated. She started out as DD-size but continued to go larger for him. Later, they broke up and she said she realized she should not have gotten them done for him.
With a lot of pain in her neck and back, she sees the Botched doctors for her consultation. Dubrow said patients should always get plastic surgery for themselves and never for anyone else. After examining her, Dubrow said it would be best to puncture her implants and suck the saline out through tubes. He said her tissue is too thin and rupturing the implants will help build thick tissue and scar tissue so she can handle smaller implants.
On the day of her first procedure, Dubrow drains the implants while she is awake. A few weeks later, she goes in for her second procedure. Dubrow has to decide between giving her large implants without a breast lift or smaller implants with a breast lift. Ultimately, he decides to give her large breasts without the lift to make Ilana happy.
After recovering from her surgery, she comes to the office to bring Dubrow flowers and thanks him for his work. She said she loves her breasts and is thankful to have the smaller than before but big enough to feel like her natural self.
The final patient is a man who impersonates Michael Jackson and is looking to get his nose identical to how the singer's was. During his consultation, the man comes dressed up as Jackson so the Botched doctors can see what he wants. After examining him, the doctors tell him if he were to get a nose like Jackson’s, there is more than a 90 percent chance his nose would die. He would also have problems breathing.
The man says he wants to look like Jackson but that he wants to have a healthy nose. After understanding the dangers of the surgery, he decides to stick to using makeup to contour his nose.
Watch Botched every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. on E!