On July 1, Warner Bros. released The Legend of Tarzan in theaters nationwide. While the plot is somewhat more sophisticated than the traditional Tarzan films, the CGI is fairly uninspired and the story is average.

Rather than focusing on Tarzan growing up in the Congo, The Legend of Tarzan begins after he’s already been living in England for several years. He’s tricked into coming back under the pretense of viewing the development of the Congo by Belgium. In reality, he’s being traded to a native chief in exchange for the fabled diamonds of Opar. The rest of the movie is Tarzan and Jane trying to save each other from evil Belgian envoy, Leon Rom.

The movie’s scenery is beautiful and Tarzan, played by True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgard, is easy on the eyes as well. Jane, played by Margot Robbie, is spunky and spirited and the villains are certainly evil. However, it’s all rather cartoonish. Rom is a textbook villain with no redeeming qualities. Jane is a typical tomboy and Tarzan is often rather dull. Also, CGI has come a long way in the last few years, but the animals in this movie are obviously fake. There’s something off about them. They don't move right.

There are some funny moments throughout the movie. However, the story is very far-fetched, as Tarzan movies tend to be. This doesn’t mean that it’s terrible. The story is fun if you take it at face value and don’t think too hard about the plot. The actors are good looking and humorous. All in all, it’s a good distraction on a summer afternoon when you want to sit in the AC and eat popcorn.

See the trailer for The Legend of Tarzan below: