The creator and star of HBO's Girls, Lena Dunham, wants guns removed from Jason Bourne ads in New York.

On Instagram, Dunham posted somebody else's picture of a Bourne ad with the gun held by Matt Damon's character forcefully torn off and a caption advising people to just take the guns out themselves. The caption ends with "So tired of guns."

Dunham adds her own caption saying "Good idea" and "Let's go!"

Dunham has voiced her thoughts on gun violence before. In an opinion piece about why she endorses Hillary Clinton for president, Dunham said Clinton's plans for gun control were a factor in her decision.

"Gun control is a feminist issue — guns are responsible for more intimate partner killings than all other weapons combined, and women are the primary victims of deadly domestic violence," Dunham wrote in TIME. "But in 35 American states, the law doesn’t prohibit those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from buying guns (or keeping the ones they already have)."

The next time to see Dunham will be the sixth season premiere of Girls which airs next year.

Jason Bourne opens on July 29. No one involved with the film has commented on the "de-gunning" of the billboards yet.