Shore House Slumming by Carli Palmer is a fun, indulgent beach read perfect for the summer beach season.

The novel follows the misadventures of writer Dana Kline as she makes her way across the country for her new job. Along the way she encounters drug addicts, artists, a crazy pageant mom and maybe even a ghost.

After her boss fires her from her writing gig Dana's forced to look for a new job and fast. Luckily a loyal coworker helps her find a new writing gig. Unfortunately this new job is not in Seattle but 3,000 miles away in Florida instead. Dana's a hard worker and up to the challenge of moving across the country, but that's only the beginning. After she finds out the lease on her apartment is up sooner than she thought Dana scrambles for a place to live. To keep a roof over her head Dana bounces around from house to house and friend to friend. Of course nothing is smooth sailing for her. She runs into trouble at every turn yet like a cat always manages to land on her feet.

Shore House Perks

Dana’s cross country trek doesn’t come without a few perks as well. While in South Carolina she meets Faye a pageant mom who introduces Dana to the crazy world of toddlers and tiaras. Faye pampers Dana treating her to spa visits, dinners and even a photo shoot where Dana dresses up like Raquel Welsh. At another house, Dana gets to use the jet skis on the gorgeous lake and flirt with her cute artist neighbor.

Dana is described as the girl-next-door with an independent edge while the other characters get little description. I was left wanting to know more about certain characters like Peyton Glass, the pageant director or Amy the crazy health nut. Still it didn’t take away from the book overall.

Shore House Slumming is the perfect beach read because there are no sharks despite the rest of the craziness. Dana's a likable character whom the reader gets to live through vicariously. Who doesn’t want to stay in gorgeous beach houses across the country? Perhaps without the ghosts though.