Day 72 in the Big Brother 18 house and the intense HOH competition is underway. One of the jury members is coming back and I would like it to be Victor. Paul doesn’t trust anyone in the house and wants to have the power. We flashback to four hours before eviction when Paul almost blew up his game. He argued and went it at with Meech and then James/Nat. Paul was defending himself and James might have hurt his and Nat’s game by saying that he debated voting Corey out (with Corey standing there and Nicole listening. Hmm.) It looks like the ShowMance alliance could be on the rocks.

We resume the HOH competition where Corey/Nicole are motivated since they feel a bit betrayed by Nat/James. Da and Zakiyah are the first jury members out. I’m so ok with that. Da is upset even though she chose to drop. It is back to jury for Zak, Da, Bridgette and Paulie. This means my boy Victor is back in the house…again! He literally can’t be evicted. The final three in the HOH comp is between Nicole, James and Paul. An hour and 35 minutes and Paul finally drops. You know that the HG are soaked and absolutely freezing and in serious pain. Nicole tries to make a deal with James about wanting a letter from her mom. James is reluctant at first then decides to make the deal and drop, giving Nicole her second HOH of the season. James hopes he didn’t make the wrong decision for his and Natalie’s game. I think Meech should really be worried.

I was correct. Nicole’s main target seems to be Meech. James and Natalie are hoping that the ShowMance alliance is going to stick together. Nicole tells Corey about the deal she made with James. Meanwhile, Meech feels like she could be in trouble because she knows James made a deal to save him and Nat and she is left out. Paul and Victor know they need to work together with Nicole and Corey so they will have the numbers. I agree boys.

James and Natalie are worried (mostly Natalie) and she is surprised he would drop on the wall competition because he is very good at them. They definitely have a right to be worried because Nicole could really flip the house and split up a powerful couple. Paul continues to offer to Nicole/Corey that they should work together. Nicole has quite the major game move to make with her nominations. Will she stay true to her alliance or will she go to the other side of the house?

The final America’s Care Package of the summer goes to Corey. (I was hoping either Paul or Victor would get it). He gets what is called the BB Bribe. He can offer one HG $5,000 for one action that could affect his game. He can bribe a HG in either public or private. This is very interesting. Nicole/Corey go from doing nothing in the game to having all of the power. They have pretty much decided on Meech as the target. I hope Corey doesn’t mess up the bribe power and makes the right move.

Natalie is still paranoid about nominations and James isn’t worried and thinks Nicole won’t blindside them. He feels good while we have the newest alliance formed in the house. Paul, Victor, Nicole and Corey form the Final Four alliance. Paul offers to be the pawn this week next to Meech. I think this is a solid alliance that could actually make it to the final four. I’m shocked Nicole is finally playing the game.

The Nomination Ceremony is here and the nominations should be no surprise. Meech and Paul go up as expected. The surprising part is that Meech wasn’t crying. Paul is nominated for the fifth time this season. Nicole tells them they are both coming after her so this was just a game move. It seems that Meech could be on the way to the jury house but it all depends on the veto.

Who will win the Power of Veto? Will they use it to save Meech or Paul from eviction?

Tune in Wednesday night at 8 p.m. on CBS!