On August 23, Lionsgate studio released their new Western film, The Duel. While there are two impressive actors in the lead parts, the film comes off as mediocre and doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Liam Hemsworth plays a Texas Ranger who is sent in to investigate the murders of a number of Mexicans in a small town led by a “charismatic leader,” played by Woody Harrelson. The leader turns out to be the head of what seems to be a cult, running a business with a somewhat Heart of Darkness twist. The Ranger’s wife eventually leaves him for Harrelson with no real explanation and there’s the obligatory fight to the death, again in the Conrad vein.

The film is rather confusing as a whole. The motivations don’t make sense. Hemsworth’s wife gets sick and seems to spiral into madness, but she has absolutely no reason to trust Harrelson’s character. She and Hemsworth were apparently happy at some point, but after one conversation with Harrelson, she goes crazy and takes up with him. Also, if Harrelson hates Mexicans so much, why is he obsessed with Hemsworth’s Hispanic wife? The Conrad-esque moments of the movie just feel stolen, like they were thrown in to give the movie a bit of a plot.

If you can overlook the film’s flaws, it has some entertainment value, but it’s definitely not going to win movie of the year. I’d say it might squeak by as a 3 out of 5. If you’re looking for something to kill the time, you might try renting it. I wouldn’t spend the money to own it.