Cue the tears from millennials everywhere because J.K. Rowling just shattered any hopes of the Harry Potter franchise living on.

The wait for Rowling's Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play is finally over. However, it is a bittersweet pill to swallow as the author of The Boy Who Lived series has announced that this is the end of Potter indefinitely.

Fans had previously hoped that Rowling would engage in new adventures with Potter and friends, but when asked at the London premiere of Cursed Child if they should be awaiting fresh stories, Rowling simply answered, "No no."

"[Harry] goes on a very big journey during these two plays and then, yeah, I think we're done." Rowling said. "This is the next generation, you know. So, I'm thrilled to see it realized so beautifully but, no, Harry is done now."

The author also imparted she "never wanted to write another novel, but this will give the fans something special."

The play will show exclusively at London's Palace Theater but fret not if you cannot make the trek across the pond to see the highly-anticipated show. A special book script version of the play was released on July, 31.