Hello Power fans! We have now reached episode six. After the gut-wrenching episode that the creators left us with last Sunday, you would think that they'd take it easy on us this week but guess what? They didn't. Let me get into this recap to show you what I mean.

I Don't Need Your Protection

Ghost had a meeting with his hired protection. They told him that if he had another attack like that they would have to contact the authorities. Ghost thanked them for saving his life, but told them that he could handle it from here and he did not need their services anymore.

Where's Holly?

Tasha knocks on Tommy's door while he and Ghost are planning their attack on Lobos. She walks in and is surprised to see Ghost there. They informed her of their recent BFF reunion, leaving out the part where Ghost helped Tommy get rid of  Holly's body. Tasha examines the apartment and sees that Holly is not there. She asks Ghost what happened and he told her that Holly left after a huge fight with Tommy. As Tommy walked further away from them Tasha took Ghost to the side to tell him that Holly was pregnant. When Ghost found out this information his eyes got wide, but he played it cool so that Tasha wouldn't catch on to him. I really feel bad for the person that is going to reveal to Tommy that Holly was pregnant.

Fake Wife for the Night

So for the last couple episodes we've seen that there is a hotel owner by the name of Karen Bassett, who is interested in investing money into James' club. He met up with her and asked if he could spend the night in her hotel, so that he could experience the luxury and negotiated their business deal. However, that's not his only reason for wanting to stay there. He needed a safe place stay while he went on his mission to kill Lobos. James convinced Tasha to come with him to the hotel and pretend like they were a normal husband and wife. He wanted to come out squeaky clean and professional to Ms. Bassett and he needed her to paint that picture. James told Tasha to stay at the hotel and be his alibi, just in case anybody asked any questions about his whereabouts during Lobos's death.

Tasha stayed in the hotel and pretended that her husband was in the shower when Ms. Bassett came to check on their room. She also texted Angela back and acted as if she was Ghost while he was gone. Angela didn't think anything of it, Tasha sounded just like Ghost. Well she learned to lie from the best, (Ghost cough, cough).

Time to Break Out Lobos

Lobos was in a van beside agent Knox while he was being transported to another prison. All of a sudden the car rides over something that cause it to jerk and everyone in it, including Lobos, falls over. The car stops and two men with masks open up the back of the van.

They shoot agent Knox and some of the other officers that were in the van. Then men break Lobos out of his handcuffs and bring him in their truck. Agent Knox was still on the ground wounded, but not dead. When they put Lobos in the car they took off their masks. It was Tommy and his new partner from the Jimenez cartel. He thought he was helping Tommy break Lobos out of jail, but little did he know Tommy had something else up his sleeve. As Tommy starts driving he passes the route that he was supposed to go. His partner from the Jimenez crew gets confused and asks why he was going the wrong way. Tommy stops the car under an overpass and to their surprise Ghost pops up. He shoots the man from the Jimenez crew and then turns to Lobos. Now it was just Tommy, Ghost and Lobos all alone. Yes! They caught Lobos finally!

Catch Him If You Can

Tommy and Ghost take Lobos in the middle of nowhere, so that they can dispose of him properly. Lobos tells Ghost that if he kills him, his men in jail will find out and harm Angela. After hearing this Ghost wants to call the whole thing off, but Tommy urges him to finish what they went there to do. Meanwhile, the crooked agent who works for Lobos gets a phone call telling him that Lobos did not arrive at his new facility. He immediately orders them to track Lobo's cellphone to see where he was. Lobos gets a phone call on his phone, but Tommy quickly smashes it to pieces so that they wouldn't be found. Tommy and Ghost start arguing about how they should go about killing Lobos, since his crew was coming to find him. While they are arguing Lobos takes it as an opportunity to run. Once they realize he's gone they chase after him, but see that he has ran a little too far. Both of them split up to look for him. Suddenly, Lobos comes up from behind Ghost and knocks him in the head. He finally gets a hold of Lobos and starts to punch him in the face.

Ghost points the bullet to his head and Tommy shouts, "Don't do it!" Ghost tells him that he had to end this now and then he shoots Lobos right in the head and left his body in the woods.

Loyal Protection Has a Price

Ghost's protection squad came back to his office yet again. The leader of the squad insisted that Ghost told him why he did not want the protection anymore. Ghosts didn't really give that much of an explanation. He just told him that he did not need them anymore and everything was under control. Suddenly, the leader of the group figures out that Ghost killed Lobos. Ghost was shocked and asked him how he knew. He told the rest of the crew to guard the door. Ghost started to worry and he asked them what was going on. They ignored him and got his gun out of his safe. Ghost could not believe they knew the pass code this whole time. Ghost finds out that the leader of the protection crew was the one who sent him a card with blood on it.

He told Ghost that he owed him after killing his friend. He made sure he got close to Ghost and his family so he could use it as a threat. Milan wanted Ghost to work for him and move his shipments. This meant that Ghost would have to go back to the streets and he had no choice because his family's lives were at stake. After hearing this news he told Tommy. He was down with helping Ghost with the shipments, but he told him that they had one problem, Angela. Tommy told Ghost that she was his weakness and he was going to have to keep lying to her. He told him that he would have to get rid of Angela in order to get back into the game without getting in trouble. Guys, I'm sorry, but I was excited about this part because Angela really pisses me off.

The Breakup

Ghost gets back to the house and Angela is there waiting for him. She hugs him and starts to talk to him about her day, but then she notices that he is upset. Angela asked him what was wrong and he came up with an excuse to break up with her. He told her that being with her was keeping him from his kids and that he had to leave her for their sake. Tariq snuck out of the house when he was with Tasha at the hotel. He used that as an excuse to break up with Angela. Ghost told her that her feelings for him were just from the past and that breaking up was the right decision.

He tried to leave, but Angela kept on blocking the door. She knew that this came out of nowhere and there was something he wasn't telling her. Ghost kept telling her that it was the right decision and then proceeded out the door. As soon as he shut the door Angela started sobbing. He waited outside the door for a little while and you could see that it hurt him to break up with her, but he knew that it was his only choice. After waiting outside of Angela's door for a while, he sucked up his feelings and put his game face on. He had some unfinished business to take care of.

Have any thoughts on this episode? Feel free to comment with them below and don't forget to watch next week's episode on Sunday at 9:00 p.m. only on the Starz network.