This week on Gotham Mad City: Burn the Witch ...

Bruce is confused when he realizes he is sitting in front of the mysterious woman who leads The Group. She tells him her name is Kathryn and Bruce recognizes her from Wayne Enterprises events. He knows she is behind Indian Hill and hiring Hugo Strange. They go back and forth and Bruce tells her he was bluffing WE to get info. He finds the group responsible for his parents’ murder but the two ultimately make deal. Bruce will no longer investigate them. I wonder how long this deal will hold up.

Vale goes to see Jim. She tells him she can help him get Fish and the reward. They need to find her source (which happens to be Selina). Jim and Vale go to see Barbara to find out where Selina might be. Barbara toys with Jim and they have some catching up time before Barbara tells him where she might be. She mentions a creepy dream she had about Jim. Barbara is very pretty and also very unstable.

Vale gives Jim some payback and leaves him and goes to Bullock and GCPD. They go and confront Fish and her IH crew. The monsters attack GCPD and allow Fish to escape. Penguin then speaks to the press about the failing efforts of GCPD and how he warned Gotham that Fish was the enemy. Penguin convinces everyone that they need to kill all of the monsters.

Ivy is alive and has washed up onshore by the docks. Her appearance is drastically different. A man approaches her and offers her help. They go the man’s house where he gives her water and you can tell the difference in her personality. She has a passion for plants and seems upset when he throws away his dead plants. We later see Ivy in a very attractive dress walk over the man’s dead body.

Alfred wakes up Bruce on the couch and tells Alfred he had to talk to The Group. He tells Alfred he promised them he would not investigate anything about them anymore. Alfred understands why Bruce did it and asks him if he plans to keep his word. He does, but they wonder if The Group will stay true to their end of the deal.

Jim goes to GCPD and runs into Lucius. Lucius shows him Ms. Peabody’s body and that Fish is sick and that is why she is stealing the drugs. She is also looking for Hugo Strange. We see Bullock in the street approached by some of the IH monsters. Fish uses her power to manipulate Bullock to tell her where Strange is.

Jim/Lucius go to warn Barnes that Fish might have Bullock. They know Fish is looking for Strange and Barnes agrees to take them to the mansion outside the city where he is being held. Meanwhile, Bullock, Fish, and the IH monsters are arriving there. They take out the guards then go inside and see where they are holding Strange. Fish tells him she is dying and needs his help. She wants him to fix her and to build him an army.

GCPD arrive at the mansion and Fish warns Barnes she will kill Bullock if any cops come inside. Vale and the press arrive at the mansion next. The party continues to grow as Penguin leads an angry mob outside. This is the place to be. Penguin continues to publicly bash GCPD. The distraction allows Jim to sneak inside the building. He is quickly captured and taken to Fish.

The mob is growing restless while Jim makes Fish a deal. He can get her out of here with Strange as long as he gets Bullock. Fish accepts the deal and Jim makes a quick phone call to Penguin, telling him that he can get Fish in the woods. Penguin uses this time to have the mob rush GCPD as he slips away. The mob breaks into the house and attacks Fish’s monsters.

Strange and Fish are sneaking through the woods when Penguin confronts them. He is ready to kill her but Fish uses her manipulation and plays on Penguin’s sympathy. She tells him she couldn’t kill him because he is hers and the best thing she did was turning Oswald into The Penguin. “Goodbye Fish…don’t come back,” he says as he lets them go. I have a feeling she will be back. I’m shocked he let her go.

Alfred is pitching dancing lessons as one of the many things Bruce can do with all of this new free time he has acquired. A window breaks and the alarm (which is now working) goes off. They go into the study and find doppelgänger Bruce inside! He asks them for their help.

Jim gets yet another visit from Ms. Vale. She thinks Jim made a deal for Bullock’s life to let Fish escape. She is good. The romantic tension between these two finally hits a breaking point as Jim finally kisses her.

Meanwhile, we see Leslie getting off a train. It looks like she is back in Gotham…