In this week's episode of Gotham: Mad City: New Day Rising...

Jim has taken Alice to the GCPD and she is being interrogated by Bullock. He is asking her about Jervis and she warns them that he will come for her. Meanwhile, Jervis seems to be planning a private performance for his sister. He has hypnotized the owner of a warehouse that contains carnival items. He then quickly disposes of the man. This looks like the beginning of Jervis’ master plan.

It is Election Day in Gotham and either Aubrey James or Oswald Cobblepot will be the Mayor. Edward arrives to Oswald’s campaign headquarters and is very grateful that Oswald helped him gain his release. Butch doesn’t seem to favor Edward that much. Some tension between the two of them.

Leslie is taking blood from Alice and asking about her condition. Alice tells her that her blood does something to people and has a different effect on everyone. She says her brother told her that her blood brings out a person’s true nature. She warns Leslie to stay away from Jervis.

Captain Barnes is determined to find Jervis and warns Jim to not get involved in an active GCPD investigation. It seems that Jervis still has a hold on Jim as he is walking down the street he hears Jervis’ watch ticking in his head. The words he said to Jim come back and this tempts Jim to nearly walk in front of a dump truck. Jervis is still inside Jim’s head. Jim needs to break this hypnosis.

Bruce and Alfred find out that the car Five took has been towed from The Narrows. Bruce immediately knows that Five was looking for Selina. We see Five and Selina walking down the street when she wants to sneak inside a betting bar where they will have plenty of money involving the Mayor’s race. Selina tries to steal money from the back but is caught by the managers. Five storms in and uses his super strength to take the men down and free Selina.

Oswald is giving a rousing speech to his supporters. Edward notices Butch is paying off members of the election board. He tries to convince Oswald that he can win this race on his own. Oswald doesn’t want to take any chances and warns Edward not to get involved. We see Butch tell his men to follow Edward.

Jim visits Barbara at the club and is looking for Jervis. She gives him a clue. She continues her mind games. Jim goes to see Barnes and asks for five minutes with Alice. He knows Jervis has done something to him. Barnes gives him the five minutes. Meanwhile, Jervis has found The Terrible Tweeds, a family of wrestlers and proceeds to hypnotize them to help him retrieve his sister from the GCPD.

Selina was surprised to see Bruce fight like that. She notices scars on his chest and knows this isn’t Bruce. Five tells Selina that he has always been alone and wants to have people in his life. Selina warns him that people are overrated. Five then leans in and kisses Selina. I bet Bruce would be jealous right now.

Jim is asking Alice how he can break the impulse Jervis placed on him. Alice won’t ever go back to Jervis. He decides to come to her. Jervis and The Terrible Tweeds invade GCPD and attack the police. Jervis finds them and immediately sends Jim back to his hypnotic state. Jim is debating shooting himself in the head while Jervis escapes with Alice. Barnes knocks him out.

Jim then wakes up handcuffed to a chair. Leslie tells him Barnes placed him on a 48-hour suicide watch. She doesn’t want anything to happen to him. They then discuss their past history. Leslie says Mario was there for her. Jim knows he can’t change the past. Jervis likes to focus on a person’s anger and regret. Leslie hopes that isn’t all that is left for them.

Bullock interrogates one of the Tweed brothers to find out where Jervis was taking Alice. Bullock then finds out where Jim is being taken and is able to spring Jim so they can go after Jervis. Jervis has taken Alice to the warehouse that contains all of the carnival items and injects her with several needles. He is taking samples of her blood (to obviously use to his own advantage). Jervis wants to make his own monsters when Jim and Bullock arrive. Jervis tries to make a deal…he will release Jim of his impulse if he lets them leave. Jim obviously refuses and Jervis pulls out his watch.

Jim immediately goes to his hypnotic state and continues to battle inside his own mind. He fights through all of the memories and is able to break Jervis’ spell. Jervis and Alice try to escape but Alice refuses to go with him. She shoves him away then falls off the ledge and is impaled. Jervis is horrified then runs off.

Bruce and Alfred confront Five and Bruce was upset that Five was pretending to be him. Five tells them he doesn’t belong in Gotham and tells Bruce he needs to find out what he wants. And that he kissed Selina. He leaves and later on, Bruce wonders if when Five kissed Selina, she thought it was actually Bruce. Alfred wants no part of this teenage drama.

It is time to find out who is the next Mayor of Gotham City. Butch storms in and threatens Edward and tells Oswald he took all of the money back that Oswald was using to pay off the election board. Edward agrees to this and moments before they decide to kill him, they hear the television tell them that Oswald is the new Mayor! It seems Oswald has completely forgiven Edward. Oswald makes his acceptance speech and appoints Edward as his new Chief of Staff. This partnership continues to grow stronger.

Jim goes to GCPD and wants to talk to Leslie. He thanks her for everything and as hard as it is, tells her he is happy for her and wants to keep a friendship with her. We see Five wandering down the street when he is abducted by the Secret Council. It looks like Five isn’t leaving Gotham after all.

Barnes is at the crime scene where he warns Bullock that Jim might get him killed one day. Bullock tells Barnes he will never turn his back on Jim. Barnes then notices blood dripping and I’m guessing this is Alice’s infected blood. A drop lands on his cheek and Barnes immediately undergoes some changes. This can’t be good for Barnes’ health at all…