Catch up with Lucifer before this week’s episode. On the season premiere, Lucifer’s mother finally appeared on his doorstep. On the second episode, we find out what her plans are.

A dead body reanimates on a sidewalk and calls for Lucifer. He’s then hit by a bus and the soul jumps from body to body until it lands in a woman dead in her hotel room. She goes to the mirror and finds a screwdriver in her neck. She pulls it out.

Back at Lucifer’s, his mother tells him that’s how she came to be at his apartment. Lucifer doesn’t believe her. She claims she’s not there to hurt him but refuses to explain why she let God cast him out. What’s the true story? Lucifer wants to retrace her steps to prove her re-genesis tale.

Lucifer and his mother start in her body’s hotel room. They find a man’s body in the bedroom. The manager knocks on the door and they sneak out the back. When they arrive home, Lucifer demands Maze watch his mother.

Chloe and Dan question Trixie about a doll she destroyed. Lucifer doesn’t understand what the issue is. Trixie wants a new doll so she destroyed her old one to manipulate her parents. Chloe gets a call about the body at the hotel.

Lucifer tells Ella, the medical examiner, that the body was stabbed with a screwdriver. She’s impressed. Chloe thinks it was a jealous husband scenario, but she doesn’t have any evidence. Lucifer pulls the woman’s phone out of the ice bucket where his mother shoved it when she awoke in her body.

Dan finds another body. It’s the maid from the hotel. The maid was strangled by someone with long fingernails. Ella and Dan are convinced it was a man who didn’t take care of his nails, but Lucifer thinks it was his mother. Chloe thinks whoever murdered the couple was interrupted by the maid and killed her so she couldn’t tell.

Ella was able to track the woman’s phone to a high-end law firm in Beverly Hills. Chloe sends Dan to missing persons to see if he can get a lead on the missing body. She and Lucifer check out the law firm.

Lucifer prays to Amenadiel, but doesn’t get an answer. His brother is doing research in his office. Linda is incredibly upset that he betrayed her trust. When she slams the door, he finds a feather.

Someone at the law firm recognizes the phone and woman’s shoe. Turns out she was the owner of the firm. Bradley says that he and Charlotte were in love. They were completely monogamous. She wouldn’t even sleep with her own husband.

Chloe and Lucifer question the husband. He IDs the man’s body as someone who delivered a package to Charlotte the week prior. She hasn’t been home in 3 days. He thinks she’s been traveling for work. He hasn’t left the house in days due to his sick children. Chloe wanders off to confirm this with the kids.

Lucifer lectures the man about giving up on his manhood. He obviously hasn’t bathed in a week. He starts digging through the man’s closet to find him something decent to wear and comes across a suit bag filled with cocaine.

A new doll arrives on Chloe’s desk. Turns out Lucifer bought the doll for Trixie.

Chloe pulled a print of the plastic wrapped drugs. It comes back to Luis Mendoza, an associate of the local drug Kingpin, Perez. When Chloe and Dan leave the room, Lucifer steals a bag of cocaine.

Maze has Mom handcuffed and pulls out a bag of torture devices. Maze knows she never found Mom’s weak spot, but human bodies have several. Lucifer will come around and realize she’s a liar. Maze tells her that Lucifer made a deal with God to take her back to Hell. His mother is angry.

Dan finds out that Charlotte and Marco, the other body in the hotel room, were working to bring the cartel down. The cartel’s hitman, Jimmy the carpenter, is known for using a screwdriver to kill his victims. It’s all falling together. Lucifer may have to admit that his mother isn’t to blame. He realizes the hitman is after his mom and rushes home.

He finds out his mother tricked Maze and knocked her out. She left the apartment. Where has she gone? Can Lucifer find her before the cartel does?

Lucifer finds Perez in a tanning salon. He beats up his guard and sends him flying through the wall. Clouds of cocaine come raining down. Chloe bursts in and arrests Perez.

Perez claims he was feeding Marco bad information so there was no need to kill him. Jimmy the carpenter is already dead. Who did this? Chloe thinks it leads to the law firm.

Chloe accuses an associate at the firm that was working with Charlotte on the case. The man mentions a double murder, but the police never mentioned that Charlotte was dead. Lucifer says she’s just missing and the man immediately calls an end to the questioning.

The associate finds Mom grocery shopping. When he tries to stab her, Lucifer stops him. Chloe arrives before Lucifer can kill him. The associate takes off running and Chloe catches him on foot. Lucifer stabs Mom in the arm so she can explain the blood pool at the original scene. Will Chloe buy it?

Chloe reams Lucifer out for buying the $200 doll for Trixie. He tells her she had abandoned her child in a time of need. Ever understanding, Chloe says if he ever wants to talk about his relationship with his mom, she’s there, but doing what’s best for your child doesn’t always make them happy.

Amenadiel apologizes to Linda and she accepts. He goes back to his office and spreads his wings which are molting. He cries out in pain. Has God given up on him?

Mom tells Lucifer she wants to be a good mother to him on Earth. Lucifer says it’s too late. She explains to him that God didn’t send him to Hell – she did, to save his life. God wanted to destroy him due to his rebellion. Lucifer believes her and decides she can stay. When he walks away, Mom gives a dirty look to the heavens.

See the promo for this episode up top.