NCIS began with a yoga class in session. Things appeared to be normal for the day, until a woman’s body came crashing down from above.

In the bullpen, Nick was looking for an apartment but couldn’t find anything nice he could afford. Gibbs soon appeared to let the team know about the case of a Sergeant who fell from her building’s roof and was hospitalized.

Ellie, Tim and Nick went to the building to begin processing the scene. Nick still didn’t want to wear the jacket so Tim let it slide. While going inside with the building’s maintenance man, Gregg Abell, he noticed a sign for an apartment rental.

Up on the roof, Tim and Ellie interview Gregg while Nick looks around. After he finds the spot where it appeared Sergeant Erin Hill jumped, Ellie sees a camera on the roof. Gregg is willing to get them copies.

At the hospital, Erin’s sister is distraught so Quinn and Gibbs go to leave. Gibbs’ psychiatrist, Grace Confalone, arrives and tells them she is Erin’s psychiatrist. While she can’t reveal anything about their sessions since Erin is still alive, she does say Gibbs should investigate the fall as an attempted murder.

Alex, Tim and Gibbs discuss the case. Based on her experiences in Afghanistan and how she likely was suffering from PTSD, they wonder this was a suicide. However, Grace still refuses to entertain that notion, telling Gibbs it didn’t happen that way.

Nick and Ellie search Erin’s apartment but don’t find much. They do find a missed call on Erin’s phone and soon, Gregg comes to give them the surveillance images. Nick then asks if he can go look at the apartment for rent.

Alex and Tim go to talk to the Marine Captain who worked with Erin. He said Erin had been distracted lately, but she wouldn’t open up about what was going on.

When Gibbs goes home for the evening, he finds Fornell with the lights off and wearing his clothes. He claims he forgot to do laundry, but then Gibbs discovers the power is off. Apparently Fornell tried to fix the washer and ended up blowing out the black box.

In her lab, Abby is bird sitting for her brother and had to bring the parrot to work since she got noise complaints from the neighbors. She tells Gibbs that surveillance showed Erin going to the roof by herself.

Nick tells Gibbs the call to Erin came from a defense contractor named Griffin Dorn. They talk to the man, who says he was just offering Erin a job.

Tim and Ellie talk to Devon, Erin’s sister. Devon had raised Erin after their parents died when she was young. She still thinks they are looking into her death as attempted suicide. Erin goes into cardiac arrest.

Abby brings Ducky in to see if he can work up a psychological profile of Erin from security images, but he is unable to. They go to see the parrot and then Abby finds out that her brother’s flight was delayed. Gibbs will not be happy.

Alex talks to Gibbs about Erin’s work and how she had no enemies there. Tim and Ellie come back to let Gibbs know Erin was resuscitated before going to their desks. Nick comes over after talking on the phone with a leasing agent. He was informed an old man died in the apartment he is interested in.

At the house, Gibbs and Fornell are talking after Fornell has begun to look at the case file. When Grace comes over, she gets a beer before telling Gibbs that Erin has died. She then tells him she was involved in the cover up of a murder.

Even though Gibbs presses Grace for information, she doesn’t know much. Erin took a long time to open up and she hadn’t given her the full details before her death. Fornell still thinks the defense contractor is involved.

Alex goes down to see Ducky. She was having a hard time connecting with Erin at the hospital and wanted to spend time with her body. Jimmy is on his way in and when he arrives, Ducky takes him upstairs.

The team discusses the case, unsure about what could have happened since surveillance still made it look like a suicide. Nick is thinking it’s possible the old man in the apartment is part of the cover up. Fornell arrives, much to Gibbs’ dismay, going on about Griffin Dorn. Tim escorts him out.

Ellie and Nick talk to the responding officer who went to the old man’s scene. His name was Leonard Odetts and he was found after a suspected fall where he hit his head. Devon, Erin’s sister, made the call to 911. Gregg Abell was the one who found Leonard’s body.

Abby gets Gibbs’ attention and informs him that something is up with the surveillance. She noticed in the image of Erin leaving her apartment, she is wearing a different watch than the one she had on when she fell to her death. The images were altered.

The team discovers Gregg Abell is knowledgable about computers and tech related skills so it is very likely he would have been able to alter the surveillance.

After discovering that Leonard’s body was not examined in an autopsy, Ducky obtains his remains and discovers that there is glass inside the wound. There is evidence he was killed.

While staking out the apartment with Tim, Nick finds out from one of the yoga ladies that Gregg and Devon are an item. When Tim spots the postman, they go to talk to him and discover he has been holding Leonard’s mail. He has no next of kin.

Abby’s bird escapes and after seeing it fly around, the team discusses a rare coin collection that Leonard had. Apparently, someone acting as the executor of Leonard’s estate is trying to have the coin collection appraised.

Gibbs interrogates Devon while Grace and Ellie watch. Grace wants to interrupt but Ellie warns her not to. She is confused, however, when Tim interrupts but it is for a good reason. When Gibbs brings up the coins, Devon confesses that Leonard had told her about the coin collection and she made the mistake of telling Gregg. Because Leonard didn’t trust banks and had Dementia, Gregg felt he wouldn’t even notice.

However, Leonard caught Gregg and he was killed for the coins. But Devon swears she did not kill her sister. The team stakes out Gregg as he tries to get the coins appraised. But when a window washer compromises Ellie and Tim, the team must race to catch Gregg before he escapes. Luckily, Nick is able to stop him.

At Gibbs’ house, Grace asks Fornell how he is doing, but he believes Gibbs put her up to her questions to try and get rid of him. Gibbs comes home and simply asks Grace to join him in the basement.