James Corden has hosted The Late Late Show since 2015. Although the show has many segments, he is best known for his celebrity "Carpool Karaoke." This is where guest celebrities help Corden get to work as they hit the tunes along the way. These guest have ranged from Britney Spears to the first lady, Michelle Obama.

In the segment, Corden gets the opportunity to sing along to tunes with these big names. Here he is able to spend time with these famous celebrities as he interviews them about their lives. This is the perfect chance for fans to be entertained and learn about the lives of their favorite celebrities.

Plus, he can possibly bring down celebrity walls because who doesn't love a good jam? Corden will divulge into life, song writing and in Obama's case, what it's like to be the first lady. TheCelebrityCafe.com previously did a list about his segments.  Now, here is part 2 of the top 10 James Corden carpool karaoke moments.

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