Halloween is a fun part of the year where people get a chance to dress up and be someone or something else for a day. From the freaks that come out at night to the zombies that are awakened, they all get to celebrate this time of the year in different sorts of fashion and attend or throw their own Halloween party.

Deciding on a theme is the most important thing to keep mind when planning a Halloween party. Is your purpose to scare the pants off of your guests? Or are you turning your home into a magical kingdom full of Queens and Kings so that your guests can have an “awe” moment? Some put all of their time and energy into their costumes. Others concentrate on making spooky and delicious treats. But for home decorators, they are obsessed with making their home the dopest house on the block. This goal is surely obtainable with all the right ideas and spending a good amount of cash. However, there are actually affordable ways to make your party great with options that can fit in any budget.

Here are eight decorative party ideas that can be purchased at Walmart.

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